I found out what happened. I asked my girl to copy some shyt to my drive yesterday while i was at work and somewhere along the way this broad drops my fukkin drive while its copying from the top of a goddamn dresser to the fukking ground. Dont ask me how or why she put it there. Shes lying over here now with her back to me so she doesnt have to look in my eye. Im worried about my unborn seed because im afraid he may be born with a mild form of down syndrome from his mothers side.
I been interrogating her about this for 24 hours and she tried to front about it like a little kid. Talkin bout *i was scared. You're scary. * Had me lookin like a idiot troubleshooting the shyt like hmmm what would cause such a mysterious error maybe i can do this or that. Stop it. She was boo hoo'ing over how upset i was over this yesterday. Im like . Fuk you all sad about. You dropped this shyt didnt you. DIDNT YOU
- no
This shyt is probably fukkin broke. Omg i could break Her mother fukkin actuator arm.
Im more interested in reading about solutions to the issue not so much your life story.
mowgli works in information technology and cant diagnose a broken harddrive..
Im more interested in seeing you on woldstar getting ko'd but to help you out, im buying a new hard drive today and im taking the drive to a specialist in the area this morning. Hopefully he can get an image of the drive and copy it to my new hard drive. If not, i'll have to go a step further and send it to a real data recovery team and see what they can do with it.
Get your life together.I'm more interested in seeing you make a thread in TLR with the title "so my girl just had a miscarriage"
*stereotypical* i'm sow verrry sowwry for that joke *asian voice*
pssst...I'm not really
but keep us updated breh
Get your life together.
you sawft
Keyboard killers have no rep.
it's only so long fake thugs can pretend
you was popping all that good shyt a minute ago in the thread, now your feelings are hurt
Nah. Im on some other shyt right now. Cant waste time with demons right now.
this is basic computer nerd shyt breh it is NOTANYTHING LIKE NEUROSURGERYThats like telling saying why cant all Dr's do neurosurgery. Thats like saying why cant a guy who can fix the inside of harddrives not set up a Cisco router.
this is basic computer nerd shyt breh it is NOTANYTHING LIKE NEUROSURGERY