Why they continue this face run and not turn him is beyond me
And Cesaro better go bad ass and start working with Heyman
I'm a huge Kofi fan, but people need to let this heel turn idea go. They already had the perfect opportunity to do it when he was feuding with The Miz, but they didn't do it. So unless they're gonna rehash that whole storyline again, it's probably not happening.
That said, I could see that working if they did it right. My idea would be that there's an "All champions" tag team match with Cena and Kofi vs. Ziggler and Barrett. Kofi's about to win for his team but Cena hot-tags himself in to hit the AA, and Kofi gets mad and attacks him after the match.
The next week on RAW, Kofi explains that he attacked Cena because that was supposed to be his moment to prove he belonged in the main event, but Cena stole it and took the glory for himself. Then, in typical Cena fashion, he completely buries Kofi on the mic--talking about how no one cares about him, how he just has little short transitional title reigns and goes back to jobbing again, how biggest thing he's done in his five years in WWE is stop pretending he was Jamaican--just completely shyt on him, in a way only Cena can. Kofi flips out and attacks Cena again, but Cena gets some offense of his own in. Then as Cena goes for the AA, Kofi breaks out of it and hits him with the Trouble in Paradise. Then you've got your heel turn.
But anyway, what I'm concerned about is not a Kofi heel turn. It's a Ziggler face turn. I don't know why they haven't done THAT yet. His whole moveset is already very babyface-like, and the entire storyline they have planned with him as champion (book him to look weak so more people will challenge him for the title) works much better as the face who overcomes the odds than as the heel who's supposed to look dominant.