Kang Deezy
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WWE Smackdown TV taping report
April 16, 2013
Knoxville, Tenn.
Report by Benjamin Tucker, PWTorch TV specialist
Read Tucker's live tweets from the Smackdown taping here @BTuckerTorch.
Smackdown SPOILERS 4/19
- The show started with Fandango, who was actually solid. Fandango flirting with Lillian. "You look...fantastic tonight. Have you ever been...dipped before?" "Have you ever made... Moves on the floor? Have you ever... Fandangoed before?" "Lillian. That was absolutely...terrible." Then he dropped her. Santino interrupted with bad humor. He then did an admittedly funny rendition of the "Fandingle" with his Cobra dance partner. He knocked Fandango out of the ring and it's on.
(1) Fandango beat Santino. Fandango took Jim Ross's advice using a Mic Check-esque finisher for the win instead of the top-rope leg drop. Overall, Fandangoing Night 2 was a much better success.
Booker T yelled at Teddy Long backstage. Big Show then thanked Long for giving him a partner tonight against Randy Orton and Sheamus.
(2) U.S. champion Kofi Kingston beat IC champion Wade Barrett in a Champ vs. Champ match. The crowd was solid for Smackdown, but tired of seeing Barrett. Kofi rolled him up after a lazy pin for the win. Okay, nothing special.
Mark Henry was interviewed, but he was attacked by Sheamus.
They recapped Dolph Ziggler's night on Raw. Alberto Del Rio then came out to face Jack Swagger in a WrestleMania re-match.
(3) Alberto Del Rio beat Jack Swagger. Del Rio, still selling the injured leg, took a beating from Swagger working the leg. Del Rio tried the armbreaker, but Swagger threw him to the outside. Back in the ring, Swagger once again reversed into the anklelock, Del Rio got him in the arm breaker, Swagger almost got a pin reversing, but Del Rio reversed into a pin for the win. Much better than their Mania match.
Ryback recap from Raw. The Shield then mocked John Cena on the Titantron. Regarding The Undertaker, Shield said, "You may be undefeated at WrestleMania but we're undefeated PERIOD!" Good stuff from Shield.
(4) Great Khali & Natalya & Hornswoggle beat Rosa Mendes & The Colons in a mixed six-person tag match. The teams argued because Team Rosa stole Khali's parking spot. Seriously. Khali hit Epico with the Plunge for the win. That sure did exist.
They recapped C.M. Punk's walk-off on Raw, then showed Brock Lesnar events from Raw. So far, the wrestling is good - a perfect show to DVR for later. Triple H was advertised for Raw to respond to Lesnar.
Main event tag time, but the crowd was dead after 20 minutes of downtime.
(5) Big Show & Mark Henry beat Sheamus & Randy Orton. Sheamus took out Henry, then Show pinned Orton with a chokeslam. This was hideously long. Heat segments for both Orton and Sheamus, plus restholds galore.
Shield then attacked the faces after the match to close RecapDown.
Overall, Smackdown was a solid one-hour show stretched to two hours with recaps. Like a mini-Raw you could say. There was some nice wrestling and Fandango looked good.
WWE Smackdown TV taping report
April 16, 2013
Knoxville, Tenn.
Report by Benjamin Tucker, PWTorch TV specialist
Read Tucker's live tweets from the Smackdown taping here @BTuckerTorch.
Smackdown SPOILERS 4/19
- The show started with Fandango, who was actually solid. Fandango flirting with Lillian. "You look...fantastic tonight. Have you ever been...dipped before?" "Have you ever made... Moves on the floor? Have you ever... Fandangoed before?" "Lillian. That was absolutely...terrible." Then he dropped her. Santino interrupted with bad humor. He then did an admittedly funny rendition of the "Fandingle" with his Cobra dance partner. He knocked Fandango out of the ring and it's on.
(1) Fandango beat Santino. Fandango took Jim Ross's advice using a Mic Check-esque finisher for the win instead of the top-rope leg drop. Overall, Fandangoing Night 2 was a much better success.
Booker T yelled at Teddy Long backstage. Big Show then thanked Long for giving him a partner tonight against Randy Orton and Sheamus.
(2) U.S. champion Kofi Kingston beat IC champion Wade Barrett in a Champ vs. Champ match. The crowd was solid for Smackdown, but tired of seeing Barrett. Kofi rolled him up after a lazy pin for the win. Okay, nothing special.
Mark Henry was interviewed, but he was attacked by Sheamus.
They recapped Dolph Ziggler's night on Raw. Alberto Del Rio then came out to face Jack Swagger in a WrestleMania re-match.
(3) Alberto Del Rio beat Jack Swagger. Del Rio, still selling the injured leg, took a beating from Swagger working the leg. Del Rio tried the armbreaker, but Swagger threw him to the outside. Back in the ring, Swagger once again reversed into the anklelock, Del Rio got him in the arm breaker, Swagger almost got a pin reversing, but Del Rio reversed into a pin for the win. Much better than their Mania match.
Ryback recap from Raw. The Shield then mocked John Cena on the Titantron. Regarding The Undertaker, Shield said, "You may be undefeated at WrestleMania but we're undefeated PERIOD!" Good stuff from Shield.
(4) Great Khali & Natalya & Hornswoggle beat Rosa Mendes & The Colons in a mixed six-person tag match. The teams argued because Team Rosa stole Khali's parking spot. Seriously. Khali hit Epico with the Plunge for the win. That sure did exist.
They recapped C.M. Punk's walk-off on Raw, then showed Brock Lesnar events from Raw. So far, the wrestling is good - a perfect show to DVR for later. Triple H was advertised for Raw to respond to Lesnar.
Main event tag time, but the crowd was dead after 20 minutes of downtime.
(5) Big Show & Mark Henry beat Sheamus & Randy Orton. Sheamus took out Henry, then Show pinned Orton with a chokeslam. This was hideously long. Heat segments for both Orton and Sheamus, plus restholds galore.
Shield then attacked the faces after the match to close RecapDown.
Overall, Smackdown was a solid one-hour show stretched to two hours with recaps. Like a mini-Raw you could say. There was some nice wrestling and Fandango looked good.