Alex Jones is always the cop out for clowns like you who believe you will be a Billionaire one day if u give all your money to the lottery because the tv told you. Did u believe Saddam had WMD's?
That strawman though.
Alex Jones is always the cop out for clowns like you who believe you will be a Billionaire one day if u give all your money to the lottery because the tv told you. Did u believe Saddam had WMD's?
so what are you attempting to say or prove exactly?
That strawman though.
The suicides have been truly ignored by the MSM to talk about how the military has given less than 2 fukks about these men and women's mental stability, only to bash them once again with a fake drill blaming the gun man as a PTSD. U.S. gov't considers them a threat.
"Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to right-wing extremists,” it says. “DHS/I&A is concerned that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize veterans in order to boost their violent capacities"
"the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks".
I can stop you after your first sentence and totally agree with you 100%.
However i can also tell you from experience , something that has been around as long as the armed forced isnt about to change
anytime soon...
When you sign up you volunteer to have had MK Ultra tapped into your spine perhaps....
1. You can say I said it was fake.
2. MP's are the only ones allowed to carry a weapon, so how did he sneak it on base?
3. The picture they posted of Ivan Lopez in the first day are different from the one they have today. Ivan Slipknot maybe Ivan Lopez.
4. Was she shot in the pelvis? Reason for his surgery on her colon.
5. Reason why I ask....
6. Fort Hood has had over 100 suicides or more there, the most in Military suicides on U.S. soil .Yet no media has touched it.
We all accept some form of indoctrination in one form or another wouldn't you agree?
Not trolling Breh but fort hood also has over 50000 people
Yeah I know.
so what are you attempting to say or prove exactly?
He thinks that every mass shooting/act of terrorism on US soil is fake
He thinks that every mass shooting/act of terrorism on US soil is fake