I'm officially tired of Bronson. The gimmick is up. There's nothing behind this guy. The debut album sealed it for me. This guy has nothing left in the tank. I bet the fans jumping on stage to get body slammed are paid VICE Music interns at this point.
I can't even front like I wasn't a fan for a while. I thought he was original and I'll still check his music out. I gave a lot of play to Dr Lecter, Well Done, Blue Chips, and Rare Chandeliers.
I'm definitely not much of a fan anymore though. The nerve of this dude to diss Ghost and then back pedal. At least just own the fact that you dissed him, because you clearly did.
I'm sure Bronson really does respect Ghost. I understand him getting annoyed at people asking you about the voice thing over and over, but AS LONG AS YOU even KIND OF sound like Ghost, people are gonna ask that question. Just get used to it. You can't get mad at interviewers for asking obvious questions.
Ghostface has multiple classic albums. Bronson has a couple good mixtapes and a trash debut album. The fukk is Bronson doing that's half as interesting as Ghostface's shyt? Just because Bronson can get unlimited Alchemist beats (and half the time he doesn't pick good ones) and rap about doing back flips out of cars while eating veal, he thinks he's incredible.
He's about as funny as cancer and I wish he'd stick with his cooking show and leave rap alone for a bit. I probably wouldn't be so tired of him if his try hard gimmick wasn't just so overexposed right now.