Meh wwe let him be off tv for months dealing with his mental health. He just keeps attacking people

Meh wwe let him be off tv for months dealing with his mental health. He just keeps attacking people
Still remember when Cena must've gotten pissed off with JTG and made sure his merch wouldn't get sold so that they would be "even steven"That Cryme Tyme Cena stuff was awful. Cena had been like 3 years firmly removed from the Thuganomics gimmick and suddenly started bringing it back when he was getting involved with Cryme Tyme. It was blatantly clear what they were doing.
Two people with bipolar disorder (if that's what it is) aren't necessarily going to behave 1:1. The exasperation makes sense. And Mauro didn't receive any where near the amount of vitriol ACH got for even bringing the whole t-shirt situation to light. People lined up to support Mauro from the outset, while ACH got harsh criticism and downplaying even at the beginning (before the Jay Lethal comments). I'm not going to be too hard on dude, because he is clearly going through something *and* there is a clear double standard wrt how people react to black wrestlers and their concerns.
These two points are the biggest understated issues with this whole thing.Toxic fandom exacerbated the deteriorating situation with ACH
They took an incident that was probably a mistake and refused to address it as such, which is inherently racist.
More to the point, many onlookers, who haven’t experienced something like this, were also oblivious as to how microaggressions can build up until someone becomes irrational.
Exactly . Mauro gets people calling him a crybaby etc but he never responds from what I see and even turns off his social media and has a support system in place . ACH needs help and to chill outMaybe because Mauro doesn’t entertain negativity on social media.
And nah I'm not letting this flya lot of black wrestlers care more about protecting "the boys and the business" from disrespect than they do their own kind
maybe he did try to talk to him and help at first, my point still stands, I get the whole idea of thinking he might be doing too much and wilding for respect my thing is shad specifically talking about him calling out fans, disrespecting the business, and "the boys"Did WWE even announce that they parted ways? WWE has literally been quiet this entire time, meanwhile, breh is over here self-destructing.
About 90 percent of the audience forgot the main reason why this all started, and it seems like ACH has too.
Hope breh gets help because this has been a slippery slope into madness.
Dude probably has had signs of this mental illness for a long time but it was probably swept
And nah I'm not letting this fly
We not hearing both sides, just from the side of someone who clearly needs help.
And I only say this because I speak from experience.
I got a best friend who's checked in right now. Dude would have mental breakdowns on social media. Everyone would inbox or call him to support, understand, and at least try to calm him down. Literally a bunch of us would put in work trying to let him know he has people on his side. And every fukking time he would head right back to social media claiming nobody supported him and he would screenshot messages out of context saying everyone is fake.
You don't know if dudes like Shad called ACH and talked to him on the phone for hours or if the black wrestlers backstage have been fighting for him.
maybe he did try to talk to him and help at first, my point still stands, I get the whole idea of thinking he might be doing too much and wilding for respect my thing is shad specifically talking about him calling out fans, disrespecting the business, and "the boys"
the fans he's lashed out at are the racists minimizing his issue with the shirt and caping for wwe
the business that is deep rooted in racism that he's been a part of and has witnessed their practices first hand that us as black wrestling fans(you are black right?) have witnessed ourselves and called out hoping shyt would change
"the boys", I mean I could be wrong but the only pro wrestler I saw him call out is jay lethal and he explained why and if thats true he has no reason to be ashamed about that, I do think that perhaps he coulda brought light to that at a different time because all it did was overshadow his t shirt issue, but in this case fukk "protecting the boys" anybody who slaps me in my face and is on some c00n shyt is not my boy and these black wrestlers need to realize that a good chunk of these cacs dont look at you as "one of the boys"
my point, hes arguing with fat racists and trolls... so why is shad caping for them on some "how dare u diss the fans!" shyt? it's one thing to address him on some "youre wasting your time arguing with them they aint worth it", its another to seemingly defend themACH out here arguing with fat racists and trolls. I agree wrestling is rooted in racism and ACH had a legitimate gripe with the WWE. No matter how you spin it though, he's still the one that ruined the focus of it all. If you exclude the fat racists/trolls, damn near every wrestling fan was on his side. Then he went down a slippery slope calling out wrestlers not even with the company. What was the result? That became the bigger story for everyone and WWE quietly escapes.
As for the slapping incident, was it before or after ACH called him out? If it's after the WWE incident then he deserved to get slapped. People forget what is said on the internet can still get your jaw popped in real life. Think of it from Lethal's point of view, you chillen in a dying shytty company like ROH minding your business, and then another man taking a chance to randomly throw shots at your name in a public damaging way. You letting that slide??
Nobody knows what's happening behind the scenes, backstage or in messages, besides what ACH is telling us. And that dude is growling in videos.
It's just like how Brother Nature tried to play the victim on twitter recently because he got jumped at a shop. Dude was talking about how he was minding his business and then these dudes jumped him. Everyone comes to his defense just to find released footage days later of him telling people in a restaurant that they're dead.
That's why I say we have to hear both sides (not WWE side on anything fukk them for that shirt).
That Jay Lethal incident was way before.ACH out here arguing with fat racists and trolls. I agree wrestling is rooted in racism and ACH had a legitimate gripe with the WWE. No matter how you spin it though, he's still the one that ruined the focus of it all. If you exclude the fat racists/trolls, damn near every wrestling fan was on his side. Then he went down a slippery slope calling out wrestlers not even with the company. What was the result? That became the bigger story for everyone and WWE quietly escapes.
As for the slapping incident, was it before or after ACH called him out? If it's after the WWE incident then he deserved to get slapped. People forget what is said on the internet can still get your jaw popped in real life. Think of it from Lethal's point of view, you chillen in a dying shytty company like ROH minding your business, and then another man taking a chance to randomly throw shots at your name in a public damaging way. You letting that slide??
Nobody knows what's happening behind the scenes, backstage or in messages, besides what ACH is telling us. And that dude is growling in videos.
It's just like how Brother Nature tried to play the victim on twitter recently because he got jumped at a shop. Dude was talking about how he was minding his business and then these dudes jumped him. Everyone comes to his defense just to find released footage days later of him telling people in a restaurant that they're dead.
That's why I say we have to hear both sides (not WWE side on anything fukk them for that shirt).
That changes everything from my point of view on the lethal topic. I remember being at an event for glory pro and ach was saying nikka to everyone and the majority of the audience was white lmao. But yeah my fault I got that info mixed up. But at the same I wanna hear Lethal point, hes arguing with fat racists and trolls... so why is shad caping for them on some "how dare u diss the fans!" shyt? it's one thing to address him on some "youre wasting your time arguing with them they aint worth it", its another to seemingly defend them
the slapping incident is why he called out jay lethal in the first place, they always had heat, it happened before he signed to wwe long before the t shirt thing ever happened, he got slapped because he called jay lethal "my nikka" in front of white people despite the fact that jay lethal uses that word himself according to ACH. you have it wrong if you're under the assumption that lethal recently slapped him for calling him an uncle tom and then he complained about it