Don't believe me, go do research on the type of dildos mostly bought by white women, you will be shocked.

u really lookin sh1t like that up?
Don't believe me, go do research on the type of dildos mostly bought by white women, you will be shocked.
U put too much into this
Some dudes get tons of girls. Some don't.
Regardless of race.
I know most white girls I know have never dated a black guy cuz they weren't attracted to them. Some of u sides like to sh1t on other races then get butthurt when something flips it on u.
It ain't that serious. Most white girls will go for a white guy like most black girls will go for a black guy. Etc.
U put too much into this
Some dudes get tons of girls. Some don't.
Regardless of race.
I know most white girls I know have never dated a black guy cuz they weren't attracted to them. Some of u sides like to sh1t on other races then get butthurt when something flips it on u.
It ain't that serious. Most white girls will go for a white guy like most black girls will go for a black guy. Etc.
Don't believe all that media crap, white girls are the freakiest and would love to have a couple of nubian boy toys on the side but the consequences of that action greatly outweighs the risk or joy of a physical orgasm which is why they would rather paint a mental image by masturbating with black dildos.
Don't believe me, go do research on the type of dildos mostly bought by white women, you will be shocked.
Other nationalities too are fake with that followers mentality, let's do anything white folks do.
Everything is so fake man.
black men are fukking retarded. not every women wants you wake up and realize it. your the only race of man i notice who gets extremely upset at the fact that you find out your not wanted by some women you dont even know. not everyone of you is packing,balling or even good looking so of course no one wants your ass. posting comments like these just prove your thirsty and jealous...theres plenty of fish in the sea and the same goes both ways for men and women. really yall are pathetic with this shyt
black men are fukking retarded. not every women wants you wake up and realize it. your the only race of man i notice who gets extremely upset at the fact that you find out your not wanted by some women you dont even know. not everyone of you is packing,balling or even good looking so of course no one wants your ass. posting comments like these just prove your thirsty and jealous...theres plenty of fish in the sea and the same goes both ways for men and women. really yall are pathetic with this shyt. of course theres plenty of women who dig black guys but nearly not all like yall wish and think.
Don't be deceived, most white girls want that mandingo at least once but some back out due to the consequences of a backlash.
White people are born with that "extreme fetish" mentality but many of them hide it a lot.
Other nationalities are just being fake too.
Stop hating, continue to live in your fantasy world.
I have stories for days.
Americans are really sexually repressed but pretend to be sexually liberated in public. That's why everybody is on some form of medication.
Just because nothing has happened to you doesn't mean it's not happening out here.
Continue to believe what you believe, I know what I know.
A couple girls I go to law school with are escorting to pay their way through school.
The crazy-ass stories that they have involving the old, white business men had me surprised at firstthen not at all.
White men responded the least on that site and got the most messages. I guess when everyone in the dating pool is thrown at you, you gotta up the ante in order to keep things interesting?
In addition, this might explain why conservative/racist white women still wanna fukk with black guys? They just like the idea of creating a black man fetish, but still see them as someone that is only for rough sex, not for genuine love.
With that said... if said black man is thinking the same thing about the white girl, I don't see a problem considering that they're on the same level.
Just spitballin' here. I'm open to being proven wrong on this one.
it can be positive. Many dudes would love to be a boy toy.
black men are fukking retarded. not every women wants you wake up and realize it. your the only race of man i notice who gets extremely upset at the fact that you find out your not wanted by some women you dont even know. not everyone of you is packing,balling or even good looking so of course no one wants your ass. posting comments like these just prove your thirsty and jealous...theres plenty of fish in the sea and the same goes both ways for men and women. really yall are pathetic with this shyt. of course theres plenty of women who dig black guys but nearly not all like yall wish and think.