According to a British psychologist paedophilia should be considered a 'sexual orientation'

Is the general public ready to accept paedophilia as normal now ⁉

  • YES

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 33 94.3%

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Nov 26, 2013
oh many days do we have left? :merchant:
they never fukking know the answer to that
so fukking annoying
been claiming the end of the world for centuries
everyone of them who's given a date has watched themselves be proven wrong yet that never stops the next mofo from announcing the end of the world smh
Dec 21, 2015
are you saying they learned:merchant: or have an environmental cause?:leostare:
my theory is that there's either some psychological trauma (molestation making them sexually aroused at the idea of exploiting children sexually) that either caused them to either seek out children sexually or stunted their emotional growth (like either they are rejecting their own aging bodies/afraid of people their age to the point where sexual attraction to them is scary and impossible)

It just doesn't make sense to compare it to a sexual orientation. Sexual orientations can be had with a fetish. You can be straight and have a foot fetish. You can like women from ages 18-60. With pedos, that age range is so small and they're so twisted psychologically that I just can't think of it as a natural orientation. Not to mention, adult men and women have things that make sexual attraction to them rational and reasonable. There is nothing that makes children attractive.
Isn't protecting children a natural human reaction? I can't accept that exploiting them sexually is a natural orientation.


Nov 26, 2013
my theory is that there's either some psychological trauma (molestation making them sexually aroused at the idea of exploiting children sexually) that either caused them to either seek out children sexually or stunted their emotional growth (like either they are rejecting their own aging bodies/afraid of people their age to the point where sexual attraction to them is scary and impossible)
meh, it's plausible, I'm sure there's good research on it
wouldn't change much of where we stand though
it's not their technically fault and they still gotta go, if they try to fukk kids:yeshrug:
Dec 21, 2015
meh, it's plausible, I'm sure there's good research on it
wouldn't change much of where we stand though
it's not their technically fault and they still gotta go, if they try to fukk kids:yeshrug:
I get really annoyed at people trying to ride the sexual acceptance wave to cape for these people. Homosexuality and Paedophilia have nothing to do with each other. Why don't these psychologists just focus on fixing these people instead of trying to get the public to accept someone who wants to turn out children.


Nov 18, 2013
my theory is that there's either some psychological trauma (molestation making them sexually aroused at the idea of exploiting children sexually) that either caused them to either seek out children sexually or stunted their emotional growth (like either they are rejecting their own aging bodies/afraid of people their age to the point where sexual attraction to them is scary and impossible)

It just doesn't make sense to compare it to a sexual orientation. Sexual orientations can be had with a fetish. You can be straight and have a foot fetish. You can like women from ages 18-60. With pedos, that age range is so small and they're so twisted psychologically that I just can't think of it as a natural orientation. Not to mention, adult men and women have things that make sexual attraction to them rational and reasonable. There is nothing that makes children attractive.
Isn't protecting children a natural human reaction? I can't accept that exploiting them sexually is a natural orientation.
I'm sorry but it is, all research points towards that.
It fits all criteria to be considered an orientation.
That doesn't change anything but it's still the truth.
Also exploiting them isn't the orientation, being attracted to them is, plenty of pedophiles exploit no ones, the ones who do are a problem, which is why we need to foster an environment where pedos can get help without ruining their lives.
Edit:But it's called a mental illness because it's harmful to other people and themselves which is legit
Dec 21, 2015
there is practically no one doing that
anyone who does gets my goat
I've been hearing about this for years. Pedos aligning themselves with gays, straight people being sensationalists and grouping homosexuals with heterosexuals as a big pervert bundle. shyt pisses me off.

I'm sorry but it is, all research points towards that.
It fits all criteria to be considered an orientation.
That doesn't change anything but it's still the truth.
Also exploiting them isn't the orientation, being attracted to them is, plenty of pedophiles exploit no ones, the ones who do are a problem, which is why we need to foster an environment where pedos can get help without ruining their lives.
Edit:But it's called a mental illness because it's harmful to other people and themselves which is legit
as a sexually functional, rational human being, please explain why an adult would have been born attracted to children.


Jun 8, 2012

but yall wouldnt listen.

i've said this on sohh, on here numerous times when people bring up the bible and homosexuality being a sin. i've always said, there's no difference since its an attraction based situation. if you're attracted to those of the same sex and the good book says you should not engage in romantic relationships with those of the same sex, then thats that. and yes there are some that have the desire but do not actually indulge. just like some people dont have sex until marriage. the desire is there but they CHOOSE not to indulge . IT IS A CHOICE. this is why they say to be homosexual is to have a DESIRE to do something or be in a romantic relationship with someone of the same sex. if that is the case it is exactly the same as a pedophile and the same as a hetero.
Gays you can't have it both ways. Some say "i was born this way" meaning i can't control what i desire. well guess what, neither can these pedos.

But what you can control as a homosexual is the act of having a homosexual relationship if you so well CHOOSE to. thats between you and God. The same goes for a pedo.
The same goes for someone who is thinking about sleeping with their sister who actually consents. doesnt matter. you CHOOSE to not do it. the the desire is not a choice its born in or engrained in thru early age sexual trauma(being diddled as a child).

What dude said is what i have always believed about all sexual orientations.

last but not least. gotta give my wife props for this. she's been saying it for years when it comes to the "gay" agenda. Its not just about them getting married. and its not just about gays all being shady and wanting to mess with kids. they all dont want to do that. But there has always been a movement to open up the flood gates on sexual relationships. so as to drop that age of consent lower and lower or until is no longer there. Yes thats right they have always been after your kids. ALWAYS. they hide behind gay rights. But they want the kiddos folks.

This is why what the doc said is 100% but is dangerous in the hands of those that want your kids. because all they have to do is get you to start feeling sympathy for a pedo. and its a wrap. and the cold thing is, we should feel sympathy for them. It is a desire from birth or being traumatized as a child. neither situation is something they asked for or wanted to happen to them. They didnt WANT to be pedos when they grew up. They just have that desire for the kiddos. its a cold thing.

Meta Reign

I walk the streets like, ''say something, n!gga!''
Jun 9, 2012
Franklin ave.
You're both so wrong. You both are extremely deluded as to the kind of people that "run things".

It's not going to happen where pedophila will become outright legal, but what will happen is that you're going to see a national push to lower the age of consent, and pedos will start "coming out", while sentences for their crimes become much less harsh. You're going to see TV shows which begin to humanize pedophila, the medical establishment will begin to question the severity to which pedophila effects children and much more.

You guys need to stop thinking you're so much smarter than other people, and start opening you're eyes, ears and hearts. Morality and humanity is seriously under attack.


Jun 8, 2012
Ive been thinking about this too

Most criminals seem like sociopaths to me. To me many criminals dont understand the extent of the consequences of their actions. They think in the "now" rather than the "what if"...
most people locked up are locked up for drug offenses. most of them are black/brown people.due to poverty. most people in jail i would guess come from poverty. i said MOST, not all. extreme poverty + dealing with a system of racism = you think you need to sell drugs to pay rent, you think you need to take drugs to get by day to day. these people will get hooked on drugs and start to steal things.

these are not those folks i would called sociopaths or true kleptos. yes you can say anyone has a DESIRE to do something but chooses to or not to do it. This is why when gays said its not a choice. i said Stop the lies, yes it is. its a choice to not act on your desires. it may not be a choice to have the actual DESIRE(thought in your head./temptation.) I'm tempted on the daily with hot chicks, while i'm married. have i jumped on any of them? NOPE. why not? because i CHOOSE not to ruin my marriage, be sinful in that regard. its a choice, if by some chance i do jump on one of these hot chicks. i made a BAD CHOICE. i can't say " i was born this way" as an excuse.

But this is what the bible is for. whats right is right and whats wrong is wrong. these desires are good, those desires are bad. The bad desires are bad for more reasons than we can actually see at the moment most times.


Nov 18, 2013
anyone who does gets my goat
I've been hearing about this for years. Pedos aligning themselves with gays, straight people being sensationalists and grouping homosexuals with heterosexuals as a big pervert bundle. shyt pisses me off.

as a sexually functional, rational human being, please explain why an adult would have been born attracted to children.
I dunno because i'm not attracted to children, just because you arent doesnt mean it's unfathomable that people are.
Your emotions on the situation doesn't change the realiy.
They just are and it should be addressed accordingly, therapy, chemical castration if they so choose, etc.