Jihadis and their American opposites have engaged each other over the Internet for years, notes Will McCants, a former State Department terrorism adviser. But usually those efforts are tentative and rarely substantial let alone fun. Whats happening with Hammami is something new. He comes across as quite likeable. Hes willing to listen, hear your argument and respond to it, McCants says. Hes not just a robot, hes got this great sense of humor.
Hes even winning over who prefer to point and laugh at jihadis, like Rusty Shackleford of the My Pet Jawa blog. Hammami recently tweeted, rusty, I aint comin home alive jus like you aint gonna stop puttin soft porn up on mypetjawa. and to shabab, Im here till u fix up. Shackleford blogged, Ive actually become kinda fond of the guy if thats possible.
These days, Twitter conversations between Hammami and several prominent counterterrorism scholars, commentators and practitioners with a social media presence Berger, McCants, ex-FBI agent Clint Watts have settled into loose, barstool-style banter. (That is, if Hammami drank.) Watts once remembered that Hammami used to crave crappy Chinese food and tweeted about his Halal BBQ-style dinner, prompting Hammami to reply, drool. Mmm. Gonna eat a chicken my wife slaughtered and cooked right now. Berger joined in to discuss hot sauce. When several American national-security nerds waged a goofy Twitter Fight Club using the hashtag
[URL=http://www.the-coli.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=tfc13]#tfc13 [/URL] , Hammami interjected himself, declaring: I abu mansuur al amriki have declared war against
[URL=http://www.the-coli.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=tfc13]#tfc13 [/URL] until i am made victor
A vote for abu m is for khilafah and shariah. Im gonna win!
All this has led to one of the strangest buddy movies on the internet. In interviews, Hammamis counterterrorist interlocutors concede that, yes, yes, they recognize that Omar as they universally call him is a jihadist. This is unique because the American public is seeing the human side of some of these terrorists and getting confused, like theyre not really sure what to think about it, says Watts. The terrorist might be nice one day, and detonate a suicide vest the next.
But some wonder if Hammamis friendliness isnt a subtle opening, a climbdown for him to get out of the jihadi life before Shebab comes for him with a Kalashnikov or the Joint Special Operations Command comes for him with a Predator. Berger, who has talked with Hammami for longer and in greater depth than any counterterrorism professional, feels strongly that reaching out to him is worth a shot even if it doesnt work out. Theres kind of a weird camaraderie thats come out of these exchanges, Berger says. Odds are, it ends badly for us. That is: either Hammami kills an innocent person in pursuit of his jihad, or he gets killed himself.
Because Hammami is so engaging, and so fluent in the idioms of American culture, its easy to overlook his commitment to the jihad. But factor out his tone from his words, and his message is clear. His criticisms of Shebab boil down to a charge that theyre insufficiently down for the cause. Tempting as it may be to believe that the nice guy from Alabama could really be ready to kill and die, he shrugs over DM: fighting is part of the religion. His back-and-forth on Twitter with Americans, he says, is transactional: Definitely to get the word out. The only people who [otherwise] listen and give me a platform are my default audience. Hope it echoes 2 rest.
Does he have any warm feelings for Berger, Watts, McCants and everyone else he tweets at?
ha ha. warm thoughts? i dont dream of slaughtering them, but i still see them as part of my greater enemy, he DMs. i pray 4 their guidance.
I Cant Do Much But Wait 4 My Time
Is Omar Hammami a terrorist? Serious question.
He has never killed any civilian although, by his own admission to me, he killed a man who was powerless to fight back and no American. By the terms of leaked Justice Department memoranda justifying drone attacks on Americans, Hammami is no senior operational leader of al-Qaida or its affiliates; in fact, hes a thorn in the side of al-Qaidas East Africa affiliate. But his consistent advocacy of jihad against the U.S., in context, is incitement to violence, and he has reconciled himself to the idea of violent struggle against the west.
I get a sense of that during one of our DMs. Any non-muslim grown sane male w/o a covenant is a target, he tells me. I become suddenly aware of the Passover holiday Ive been observing.
So if we met, my thumbs tap back, youd try to kill me?
Hammami dials it down. He wouldnt harm me, he DMs, if we met as an agreed meeting w/terms of safety.
Killing Americans is a means to an end, one the Alabama-born Hammami accepts after convincing himself that the U.S. stands irreconcilably in his way. Its not like i fantasize about it, he says, but it is a means to the end when done as prescribed. He might spend a lot of time on his Twitter dialogues, but dialogue alone wont stop u.s. From blocking shariah and khilafa.