Why isn't this in the major new outlets right now?
Why isn't this in the major new outlets right now?
this is going to be a long one. if you're ready to critique the bible. be ready for a response. READ. do not post a "didnt read" cute reply. if you do that, you are saying "i already have my thoughts, and i refuse to change my opinion no matter what information you may have to explain what the bible is actually talking about.
so lets get to it. and this isnt all but its more then enough.
So basically it's ok to own slaves, and since the slaves loved their masters, it made it all better
F*ck religion
, seriously.
so i see you just skimmed. DO NOT REPLY until you read it all. and once you read it all. DO NOT reply with a piece meal post trying to take shots. come back with a legitimate argument or fold and admit you didnt know what that scripture meant. and admit the BIBLE is not incorrect. people trying to USE the bible to cosign their nonsense are the ones that are incorrect. there's a HUUUUGE difference between the two.
"Slaves obey your masters" How much more clearer can it be? Slave masters readin' the Bible like
just like i figured. didnt read, didnt comprehend. or is upset that what you just read didnt sound like what you thought it would. so lets keep the lie going.
the word slavery you are using and the word slavery they were using in the bible was clearly different at different times. but you wouldnt want to admit this.
how slaves were SUPPOSED to be treated per GOD was not like how africans were treated during the slave trade for example. or how this thread is saying people are being treated in israel(assuming thats true). so again why keep pushing the lies? i'll say this. if you dont want answers. STOP ASKING questions. you dont want the truth. you just want to be mad about something and you REFUSE to hear anything else but your point of view. thats your choice. but dont go asking questions like you care to know. you dont.
lol at all the c00n in here crying about white p*ssy
I thought you had your plane ticket to go to Israel for the white girls cause apparently it's ok there but when Arabs do it...you have a problem.
just like i figured. didnt read, didnt comprehend. or is upset that what you just read didnt sound like what you thought it would. so lets keep the lie going.
the word slavery you are using and the word slavery they were using in the bible was clearly different at different times. but you wouldnt want to admit this.
how slaves were SUPPOSED to be treated per GOD was not like how africans were treated during the slave trade for example. or how this thread is saying people are being treated in israel(assuming thats true). so again why keep pushing the lies? i'll say this. if you dont want answers. STOP ASKING questions. you dont want the truth. you just want to be mad about something and you REFUSE to hear anything else but your point of view. thats your choice. but dont go asking questions like you care to know. you dont.
money my bytch and we stay intimate
I see your logic...
Arab-Slaves and Prostitution...
Whites- Slaves and Prostitution.......
Soldier-Boy is that you?
You would understand if you were black.
Well I'm not your father bruh