East Africa aint just the Horn.
Aren't most Horners of today mixed? Like I think West/Central/South Africans are the only ones now with majority populations being 100% unmixed African blood.
Funny thing is we were giving diplomatic and finanical assistance to native SA to free them from apartheid... You have the balls say we aren't indigenous... You are not indigenous fukkboy... That's why you're easily indoctrinated to believe your colonozer's data not questioning his methodology
.. fukk his definition, look at the historical and oral record... That's why your an Adoon... Of the mental
I am not so sure whether Somali government is earmarking to evacuate its citizens from South Africa where immigrants including Somalis being punished and burned in the streets of Johannesburg and elsewhere in SA. Before the ongoing violence more than 100 Somalis were killed in the past few years in a consequence of their fit entrepreneurship in business.
Somalis in South Africa still paying the price of civil war’s mayhem and roughly a million and half Somalis are in overseas, seeking better life. The recent xenophobic killings in South Africa expressly targeted Somali owned shops and valuable young lives mostly women and elderly were snubbed out by merciless South African gangs.
My feelings tore apart, when a mob of South African gangs pictured, stabbing Emmanuel Sithole, an immigrant man from Mozambique with knives as they bludgeoned on him with a wrench in Alexandra town near Johannesburg.
Somali president Hassan Shiekh Mahmud who was supposed to address this continue denouncing Russia’s invade on Ukraine and the ISIL threats in Middle East, while hundreds of fellow Somali citizens being tortured in South Africa. Almost Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique began airlifting their citizens.
Ethiopian diaspora communities in US gathered in front of South Africa embassy in Washington to protest the recent wave of brutal attacks against their citizens in SA, chanting “Shame on South Africa.
Likewise Nigerian and Zimbabwe governments are not willing to continue their ordinary relations with South Africa since the xenophobic begun in beleaguered SA despite South Africans looted countless properties from other African foreigners during the violence.
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A lot of them have various admixture but it's admixture from so long ago that some of them are deluding into thinking they are pure and unmixed
Ethiopia has had cultural infusions from Sabeans in the 1st millenium, Jews from Southern Arabia, Greek/Syrians during the time of Frumentius, and then Arab-Muslims during the 7th century.
Somalia is a stones throw from Yemen and people have been going back and forth...they also have Eurasian DNA and I read some studies sometime ago that some even have Haplogroup H (which is all the way from India)
So any purity talk from Horners I just laugh at it because all you have to do is look at them
Horners are probably more admixed then Afro-Americans but like I said a lot of the mixing was from so long ago that they have gotten foggy memories regarding it
ive heard on al jazeera news somali and ethio business owners get killed in south africa by the numbers.
They protested at the SA embassy in DC.
I'm not disputing the admixture of other groups. It's not to the extent people make it seem like. Somalis and Ethiopians are native to the Horn and older than the west africans. I don't give a fukk what nobody is saying. That's facts. I hate the divide and conquer these AAs on, that's why I'm disrespecting them. I did not start it... fukk these adoons straight up
it wasn't just them it was other Africans like Nigerians, Zimbabweans getting attacked and killed as well
I'm not disputing the admixture of other groups. It's not to the extent people make it seem like. Somalis and Ethiopians are native to the Horn and older than the west africans. I don't give a fukk what nobody is saying. That's facts. I hate the divide and conquer these AAs on, that's why I'm disrespecting them. I did not start it... fukk these adoons straight up