One thing I'll say is they need to get the women's division the fukk away from Kenny Omega.
Too many Japanese pixies as champion and then get the tranny the whole fukk outta here.
The women's division should be Britt Baker, Swole, Shida (as a supporting figure), Penelope Ford, and then find some veteran women from the indies or poach some of the disgruntled WWE/NXT stars.
Hell, Fit Finlay's out of a job, hire him to work with the women
And I don't really wanna be the one to say this, but they gotta find some cool ass Black/Latin workers to make their brand cooler, beyond the incels, virgins, and neckbeards
Right now, AEW is for neckbeards and people like myself who can't wait for Vince McMahon to die, but they're not cool.
I don't really watch a lot of indie wrestlers, so maybe some of y'all can help me out with this.
What non-cornball brothers/sisters could AEW bring in to make their product cooler/realer, because these White boys & Asian chicks aint gettin' it.