Dum Shiny
I don't think he's promoting welfare reliance in the context of the status quo. I think he's rejecting the idea that work is essential to a functioning, productive society.
Work as defined in the capitalist sense (people will still perform activities that they appreciate doing, but that's not work), but yeah, basically.
Quite possibly the dumbest thing i've heard this year so far...
When they outlawed slavery.
The answer to your questions rest within your statement.
We work because WE MUST, or rather we work because there is work that must be done. WE USED TO be able to tell slaves to do that shyt, now we can't exploit people at that level and simply "enjoy" the fruits of their labor.
Your understanding of "work" highlights EXACTLY why people need to work.
and i'm sure the vast majority of those on welfare wake up each morning being reassured of their situation because of their "implicit understanding" of history, having a broader understanding of the postmodern affects of capitalism. Clearly they overstand the concept of "he who does not work does not eat" and have chosen to remain the few, the enlightened.
We should all be lucky to reach this level of understanding.
The last part of this post misunderstands grossly what I'm saying, so read it again. Those who refuse work (key word being refuse here) ideologically and totally understand the workings of their body more than those who try to jam desires and skills into a certain model of what a worker should be, because they're willing to live in accord with them and cultivate them freely.
As for the first part of this response, answer one question for me: What is the real difference between a slave being forced to work or else he will die (because his slave master will ultimately kill him for being a rebellious and useless slave) and a man in the current societal makeup being forced to work or die (because, in accord with the way in which political economy has organized society, he will die of exposure essentially)?