A woman was drugged and raped at an Atlanta club while on Facebook(Update Williams arrested)

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
The prosecution is going to encounter difficulties convicting solely on video evidence. Hopefully, physical evidence speaks out to a conviction..there's no direct eye to sight show of forcible intercourse in the video, the face of the suspect is shown and she's saying "No", "Stop" and "Help me, please".. Defense attorney can argue on the premise of what exactly she was saying no to..Was it him being to close to her? Him doing something else off camera? Etc, etc..

It doesn't help that her friends were there and they did nothing. Again, an attorney worth their salt will attack that especially if the friends change up and back up the accusation of rape.. Their credibility will instantly be assaulted.."Why didnt you do anything at that time? Why didn't you get security?" If they say they were drunk or too inebriated or don't remember much, their testimony will be as worthless as a four dollar bill. Video evidence is inconclusive, witness testimony is fragile at best..prosecution needs DNA, evidence of forceful intercourse or otherwise I fear your friend and the prosecution may have a difficult time in court.
Dude assaulted ol girl on camera, got arrested for aggravated Sodomy, has another woman come out and say he sexually assaulted her as well and has his lawyer hop on social media julezing like a novice instagram reporter.....:francis:

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
Dude assaulted ol girl on camera, got arrested for aggravated Sodomy, has another woman come out and say he sexually assaulted her as well and has his lawyer hop on social media julezing like a novice instagram reporter.....:francis:

What's the timestamp in the video at which you saw obvious penetration and/or aggressive and injurious conduct towards the lady by the accused on the video? Accusations need proof...Earning a conviction at trial in abiding by the law is about proving beyond a doubt, beyond hearsay, beyond speculation that the accused committed a crime. Multiple accusations don't change that and whatever his counsel decides to do on social media has nothing to do with guilt.

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
What's the timestamp in the video at which you saw obvious penetration and/or aggressive and injurious conduct towards the lady by the accused on the video? Accusations need proof...Earning a conviction at trial in abiding by the law is about proving beyond a doubt, beyond hearsay, beyond speculation that the accused committed a crime. Multiple accusations don't change that and whatever his counsel decides to do on social media has nothing to do with guilt.
All you have to do, is go back like 3 pages and you will see multiple video break downs for yourself. I have watched the video, found it as disturbing as the people still trying to :cape:for the creep. So im not looking at it again. You can though. The facts as of right now are he has been arrested for aggravated sodomy after the woman went to the hospital to get checked out, he has another woman unrelated to this incident that claims he has done the same to her and his legal counsel is on social media julezing instead of trying to :cape: as hard as some of the people in here are doing :pachaha:. It's like the twilight zone:merchant:

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
All you have to do, is go back like 3 pages and you will see multiple video break downs for yourself. I have watched the video, found it as disturbing as the people still trying to :cape:for the creep. So im not looking at it again. You can though. The facts as of right now are he has been arrested for aggravated sodomy after the woman went to the hospital to get checked out, he has another woman unrelated to this incident that claims he has done the same to her and his legal counsel is on social media julezing instead of trying to :cape: as hard as some of the people in here are doing :pachaha:. It's like the twilight zone:merchant:

You should know me better than that, when my mask falls off I'm pretty much soulless, so I'm best fit as the devil's advocate..my senses grow dull. I clearly stated that I hope they have physical evidence to support the accusation because everything else can be easily argued againsto. You replied you saw the offense.. I asked simply where was it and advised on the law as is.

And in this, you still haven't answered my question.. I'll make this easy.. I'm interested only in the case of justice, justice which is unbiased, unrelenting and unmoving, especially in the case where lives are in the scales and they're also black lives. Lastly, I'm not appreciative of any assumption.. that I would cape for rape, especially considering a particular case of sexual assault is what has spurred my anger for over 30 years. If I'm mistaken, forgive.. Otherwise, I'm done with this thread.



Jan 4, 2017
A woman who I saw get sexually assaluted on camera while her bird friends allegedly watched and did nothing. I've told you what I saw more than once but you haven't said what you saw. Since you watched the video more than once and in slo mo
Bro.... u didnt see anything happening to that girl, just like nobody else saw anything...
This drunk female was saying help, help me... into her fb live because she was drunk.... there is video evidence of her doing this b4...
There is witness to testify that he was trying to help her stand up.
Theres witness to say he didnt take her to a secluded area...
She herself said she wasnt raped.
This whole "raped" thing only started from ppl on her fb live who werent at the club... watching her act passed out and yelling help into the phone...
A phone that she never dropped even tho she was supposed to be encompasitated.
The best thing this female could come up with outta all the help me, help me shyt on her fb live.... is that the nikka tried to put his finger in her butt lol..
And there isnt going to be any physical evidence or vid evidence to support that shyt either....
The lady ur talking about is a 2cd accuser is q female who says that he may have spiked her drink, but she went back to his house and sleep it off...
She says she woke up wit a RIP in here pants.
If u listen to her full story, some of the shyt doesn't add up. She posted txt msgs from that nite. Some of it obviously blocked out...
She never came out and press charges... and she may have continued to have some sort of relationship with him after the "incident"... I haven't verified that yet.
Back to jasmine... she also has family members who say shes done false accusations before... but ofcourse they could be lying too....
Put it like this... everybody would have to be lying for this female to be telling the truth...
A dude is still sitting behind bars and this female is trying to collect a bag.
If ur a real man, u could at least admit that u didnt actually SEE anything sexual happening...
U assumed...just like everybody else
But cool...

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
Bro.... u didnt see anything happening to that girl, just like nobody else saw anything...
This drunk female was saying help, help me... into her fb live because she was drunk.... there is video evidence of her doing this b4...
There is witness to testify that he was trying to help her stand up.
Theres witness to say he didnt take her to a secluded area...
She herself said she wasnt raped.
I stopped reading right here
1.) You have to be trolling me because you on some "who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes" shyt right now :pachaha:.
2.) The club has footage of the man assaulting her on the dance floor and carrying her to the secluded area.

3.).......Victim in alleged attack seen on Facebook Live hires prominent lawyer


Jan 4, 2017
I stopped reading right here
1.) You have to be trolling me because you on some "who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes" shyt right now :pachaha:.
2.) The club has footage of the man assaulting her on the dance floor and carrying her to the secluded area.

3.).......Victim in alleged attack seen on Facebook Live hires prominent lawyer
Bro... we 2 more pages deep and u still didnt tell me what u saw him doing to her... did u see him stick his fingers in her.. lick her p*ssy? What did u see... all u heard was her saying help...
And either u just making up shyt or theres some new info I haven't seen yet bro.... the club has footage of her being assaulted and carried away to a secluded area...? The same club that she is suing, right?:stopitslime:
But it's all good...

Edit: I just got ur other msg... it's all good bro.
.I really just want the best for everybody. And I dnt want anybody to be taken advantage of... our sisters or our brothers....
But peace to u :salute:
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Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
The only reason this even made the news was because one of her girlfriends recorded the whole time they were there that night, including this so-called rape, which she called bs, and took her personal video to the police to clear the man. She knew right off bat that people were going to see what was uploaded on facebook, and start making false allegations. That's why there weren't any arrest that night.

Now she probably has to press charges.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
:gucci: so not only are you trying to tell me and everyone else that we didn't see this woman get sexually assaulted on camera but you are also telling us to believe the word of birds, who were possibly drunk or drugged themselves, over our own eyes? Also how people act afterwards in these situations vary. So what she did after she was violated doesn't matter.
You didn't see a sexual assault and nobody did. You saw what looked like one.

You can't see what he is actually doing in order to claim this so boldly. Not even the police would say that with conviction

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
You didn't see a sexual assault and nobody did. You saw what looked like one.

You can't see what he is actually doing in order to claim this so boldly. Not even the police would say that with conviction
Look..............it's Saturday, I'm about to eat the rest of this ham and cheese omelette, drink my juice and browse the coli in peace. Don't keep bumping this thread with yall foolishness.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
Look..............it's Saturday, I'm about to eat the rest of this ham and cheese omelette, drink my juice and browse the coli in peace. Don't keep bumping this thread with yall foolishness.

It ain't foolishness you are making misleading statements. I don't give a damn bout your meal :dwillhuh:

we all saw what appears to be assault hence a need for investigation. but you are talking like you actually witnessed a rape, saw fingers penetrate her and all.

Don't tell people they're acting foolish when you are. It's ok to be wrong. Hopefully the truth comes out but this whole era of guilty until proven innocent proclamations is stupid and dangerous.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012

no dummy and you wouldn't even sit in a juror squad with that hard headed mentality. mark the exact time on the video where you witness actual rape. fingers or penis . penetrating her....

hardline stances are for morons. you know you didn't see anything you saw what it appeared to be. act like you got some damn sense and learn how to be objective not always taking hardline stances on everything. rape is terrible and so is any type of sexual assault but it's not an allegation to be made lightly. you can't see what is actually happening all you see is someone that appears to be under duress.

for the last time cut the bullshyt hard headed clown act. nobody is defending the alleged abuser but the law and justice can't just be moved by emotions and gut feelings or we're all in trouble. evidence is required.

so again WHAT DID YOU SEE?

Save all that sassy bullshyt and give a credible coherent answer.