A woman was drugged and raped at an Atlanta club while on Facebook(Update Williams arrested)

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
This is what I gathered from other sources on the net

-Apparently she was celebrating her divorce and birthday that night. In one of the videos she mentions this. The woman who met up with her in the club later that night is not her friend but an associate. They are not from Atlanta and linked up to attend the club together.

-Her estranged husband made multiple posts on his fb indicating that they are not together and that he blames her for being raped. They were divorcing due to her husband's infidelity. There are multiple screenshots of her estranged husband and his girlfriend pretty much trashing her.

-Many are saying that she was set up. On lsa, I've seen posts of a 3rd party described as a white guy. Many are saying he helped the guy in the videos drug and rape her.


Real nikkaz,beat bytches
May 2, 2012
in ya mama bed
There's no protocol for rape. Everyone responds to shock differently based on different factors. Some people would fight, some people just shut down and let it take place. Sometimes people are drunk or high, sometimes the assailant has a weapon, sometimes the person thinks if I don't scream or fight they won't kill me or beat me...everything's different for every body.

A girl I know was drugged and raped at a party, she literally couldn't move. It was a set up from the get go, dude walked through the house during the party, unlocked a window. Went back to the party slipped drugs in my friends drink. He put so much ghb in her drink she began violently puking and passing out. They were able to get her stable enough that they didn't call an ambulance. They put her in a room. This dude 'left' the party ended on climbing onto an suv parked on the side of the house, climbed in the window locked the bedroom door and raped her. He was only caught cause a friend came together check on her and the door was locked.....

A second girl I know was raped she laid there and took it, but had enough DNA (his sperm and his hair) that when she immediately went to the cops after all was said and done it was a 100% match. Story made the news, dude was meeting chick's online and not taking no for an answer.

While it's not kosher even a video is better than nothing. This could easily be a story with no photos and no videos, just one woman 'claiming' "he did this this and this" and everyone responding like :duck:.

Even with video of her crying saying help and stop people are still like :duck:

i understand what you're saying but it's still hard for me to comprehend why she chose to say "help me!" to the phone and not towards the people that was around

if the dude tried to take her phone i'm sure she would've fought for that

she didnt deserve that regardless but judging off her FB page she obviously doesn't mind the attention


May 22, 2014
I'm definitely not watching this video but some of the replies in this thread are disgusting & this is with fukking video evidence too. Imagine if she wasn't filmed.

Y'all wonder why BW have problems with us. Hopefully that fakkit & anyone defending him don't make it into 2020.