Bru I'm not even wArriors fan but you got Steph . he ain't washed you actin like you don't have one of the best players in the league. And yeah losing klay hurts bad healthy they were automatic contenders ,but you still have some decent players around Steph.
Keep that same energy if Steph turn in another MVP performance.
Y'all always say this about the West and every year it's 4 teams at the top and the same middling teams in the fighting between 5-8
Every team has holes and no one got drastically better in the West.
Warriors better than every team in the West except the Lakers and Clippers. Y'all gotta calm down man lol.
There’s too many liabilities with this team. We’re counting on players in their freshman and sophomore year in the league to make an impact, and maintain that throughout the season. I just don’t see it happening.
We’re also counting on dray to be dray of old, but there’s no guarantee on that. Steph will be steph, I’m not worried about him at all.
Y’all making it seem like it said they won’t make the playoffs this year lol I’m being realistic in saying that this team will be in the bottom half of the west playoff seeding.
if I’m wrong, I’m wrong