what does black women in other countries have to do with what's going on here in the US?
there's too many black women that have grown up with a generational lack of disrespect for black male. these very men grow up thinking its normal, until they experience women of other races. women of other races, that (ironically) don't have the same disrespectful disposition towards black males.
i mean, BW just dont get it. the way you raise the girls and the way you raise the males is counterproductive towards black relationships. the girls are being raised to believe that black males aint shyt, and they must pursue education over all else. the boys are being taught to worship women, while ignoring the persuit of wealth, generational wealth, and power. we're taught to just love black women, nothing else. which ultimately backfires when black boys hit puberty and realize yall dont want p*ssy worshiping simps.
but what's your theory? why do you think black mothers can raise her son for 18 yrs, only for him to dislike the black girls in his peer group.
The disrespect goes both ways marcuz. I am willing to bet that when the honeymoon stage is over these women y'all put on pedestal aren't the angels that y'all make them out to be.
Black people don't respect each other and gravitate toward other races thinking they are the exception to the rules among the degenerates.
A relationship with a mother will be different from a relationship with a woman. I believe that men value women based on how men treat them. You can be a wonder mother to your son but if your son does not see you being cherished by a man and also noticed that it being standard that blacl women are not cherished by their male counterparts by staying in a relationship with them...I believe that affects how young black boys interact with young black men romantically.
It's to the point where people expect black women to be perpetually alone. A woman can only do her part of raising children, she cannot replace the role a father takes in the life of her son and daughters.