god, this Utah game was ugly...
if we wanna be competitive at all in the future we need:
-a competent big. WCS is an awful center. if he isnt wide open or getting lobbed, he cant score. he is small, and gets bullied by every other big. He just doesnt have good fundamentals at all, and way too inconsistent at doing anything well. EVERY center beats us out. Giannis will kill us, Lakers are too big for us. Philly is too big. Toronto is too big. U get the picture. any team that is a playoff team will eat us up
-a point guard that can back up steph. Steph is gonna be 32 in less than 2 months. His backups are either Ky Bowman or Jacob Evans. Both arent viable options for contending teams
-an actual Small Forward. 3&D wing. GR3 has done well for himself this season. He will most likely be a bench player. and in that case we will need a SF that can guard well and shoot. right now we have a 3-guard lineup and those dont work well
-consistent scorers. BIGGEST issue by far! outside of Burks, Paschall, and GR3, and D'lo (who im sure is getting traded at this point), we dont have any player that can consistently put the ball in the basket. Once again that is an issue we had last season. Outside of KD, Steph and Klay, we were trash on offense. Poole, Jacob Evans, Damion Lee, Spellman, Bowman, Chriss cannot score enough to get us wins. We flat-out do not have the offense. Steph and Klay coming back will not change things drastically enough. Once again, steph is gonna be 32 soon, putting more weight on him to score is a bad idea
-VETERAN PLAYERS. This current GSW team is too young and inexperienced to take us far. Doing a 1 for 1 trade with D'lo wont change much for us. we NEED to get a haul for him. If we cant get Wiseman (a big), we should package the trade to fill out our roster as best as we can.
-Draymond MUST improve. A lot rides on draymond's ability to play well on the offensive end again. All signs point to a clear regression over the years on offense, though many say he is holding back bc it's a rebuild season.

He is a complete non-factor on offense. He will mess up spacing simply by being on the court and add pressure to steph and klay if he doesnt get some offensive presence. Putting up 5/2/4 isnt gonna cut it. and his defense isnt good enough to justify being this bad on the offensive end
-Looney must come back healthy, and be able to contribute as an undersized Center. for the few games looney played this season, he was at the 4. He is best as an undersized center. He's a better rebounder than WCS and makes better plays.
thats pretty much all i have. If we add steph and klay to this exact same roster, we go from being the 15th seed, to maybe the 10th seed. But keep in mind, we would be asking a LOT of Steph and Klay if they were to carry this roster. just to come short of making the playoffs.
I hope Lacob and Myers have a plan this season. cuz if they wanna see the warriors back again, they need to make sure they can come thru with some god moves in the summer time