This shyt is getting so tired
So having Ryse Forza and Dead Rising really makes your system a must own?
Every dead rising has been wack, there's virtually no gameplay in Ryse. Forza 5 looks great and I'm sure is a fantastic game, but is still limited content wise.
Killer Instinct looks fun, but shyts practically an XBLA game, and not worth buying a system for.
shyt besides Forza, Resogun has better gameplay than any other exclusive.
Ya'll keep going on like you got dozens of AAA exclusives or something
You know PS4 has all the same multiplats as Xbox One right? (mostly the only launch games worth playing)
My most played next gen games are BF4, AC4, Resogun, Killzone, then NBA2K14 in that order.
Can't you fukkin Xbots just agree BOTH launches were lackluster???