A prayer for those going through struggling times(or know those who do)


All Star
Nov 10, 2015
I come to you got without pride and to bask in your glory of love and righteousness. I pray that one can find strength in this world that's becoming sinful by the minute. I pray for those without a job to find a job that pays much more than their last one. I pray for those who are going through depression and that you wrap your arms around them and show the that they are loved and your glory that you gave the world reigns supreme over the darkness that the seem to find in this world and not commit suicide but commit to you. All powerful I pray to you today to help the ones who can't seem to find a faithful woman on their life to find one and they complete each other and not just themselves. I pray that those who are struggling with their faith find solace in your words, if not today, tomorrow or even this year but some day. I pray to you lord that those who lost a love one or love ones can find peace in these sad times and hope that their loved ones made it to Heaven and that they should be happy as heaven is so much better than Earth their brains can not even begin to imagine how great Heaven is. I pray to you the honorable Elohim, the only one above ourselves that we not only praise you for what you've done for us but for who you are. I pray to you YAHWEH that we can not only praise you for life but we also do the deeds that you have commanded us so when we depart this world we can wake up to an everlasting spiritual life in Heaven. I pray to you today that your love reigns supreme over this often evil world and change the lives of those young and old for the better and we can all at least have the chance of heaven. You know just as much as I do Lord that not everybody will make it to heaven but we thank you for having the chance to make it. I pray to you that even if we don't make it to heaven Lord, that we instill the words of your true love and understanding into others and they make it where we could not.
I pray that you understand our occasional doubt about you Lord only brings us closer to you.
Oh Lord your words move mountains, your words are more beautiful than the greatest of loves songs, deeper than the deepest parts of the beautiful oceans you have created oh Lord your words are more glorious than the rainbows, the most beautiful fields of flowers oh Lord your words save more than any superhero could possibly save and we thank you for another glorious day full of prosperities and glory. In the name of the true in living God, the beneficent, the merciful, amen.