A nikka thinking about adopting a cat :wow:


Top Tier
Jan 4, 2017
First of all, don’t let anyone shame you for being a single heterosexual man with a cat.


I suggest female cats, because male cats are more likely to spray, and stink up your place. I’ve only had female cats, and people tell me if they never saw the cat, they wouldn’t know I have cats. BUT, be prepared for the cat hair. You will have to vacuum at least twice a week, or use the swiffer pet pads, and go over the floor frequently. Buy lint rollers, and don’t leave your clothes on the bed while you shower, because unless the cat is in the bathroom with you while you shower, it’s going to be sitting on your fresh clothes when you get out.

Buy plenty of toys, and a cat tunnel for a kitten, because they like to play, and they will get into stuff. You’ll get mad at first, but they’re so cute, you’ll let it go.

I’m not in favor of letting cats go outside. They can get into fights with other cats, and there are possums, and rac00ns outside. My neighbors let their cat go outside, and when I get up with my wife, and take the trash out, that cat is under our cars. (She works outside the home, I work from home 75% of the time, but I get up with her to be supportive.)

Keep the nails clipped, and only clip the clear part. They will mess up your furniture.

Name it a real human name, because that’s funnier than some dumb shyt like Mittens, or Buttons. I used to feed a stray cat I named Buttons before I knew better. That’s a street name. Your cat is a member of your family.

Kittens need kitten food. Science Diet is the go-to brand. Fancy Feast is too rich for their stomachs. Dry food is the norm, but wet food can be a once or twice a week treat. Cats act like they’ve been starved to death when you give them treats. Don’t buy store brand. They won’t eat it. As they get older Meow Mix is fine, and I switch up the wet food between Sheba, and Fancy Feast. Always keep cat snacks on deck.

Be prepared, you will turn into this:

Only people who will shame a dude for having a cat is ratchet bytches who ain't ever have mutual love with anyone outside of they family

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
Welcome to the set breh.

Lemme give u a couple pointers (:dame:)

First off u gone wanna get them fixed and get them they shots right away. Otherwise u gone run into some potentially serious problems down the road. And u do NOT want ur cat spraying the place up and male AND females will both do this, cats are very territorial. Far as they concerned anything under they spray belongs to them so take that spray away right from jump or ur home is going to smell like a french whore house.

Far as food goes the easiest way to go is to get a case of wet food and big bag of dry food and try to keep the dry food bowl topped off for the day while breaking em down a couple cans of wet food morning and night. I recommend friskies. They love friskies.

Tastacions are a good way to go for treats and u gone wanna keep some catnip handy for when freh wanna tie one on.

Litter u gone want something scented that clumps, way easier to clean. Bigger the box the better but be sure to scoop that shyt daily.

Get a brush so u can groom their coat u gonna wanna do this as much as possible especially when that shedding starts. If u like nice shyt probably be a good idea to section off ur home and keep kitty part of the house supplied with last years furniture if u get what im saying.

Try to apply for a care credit card for vet visits because they can get expensive.

U should take them to get checked out like ever 6 months or so unless u see signs of illness then u should take them straight away.

But yeah before u join i gotta let u know u gone have to smoke some dogset fools so we know u truly down :ufdup:


All Star
Feb 27, 2013
The Souf
Welcome to the set breh :salute:

I never had a pet and became a reluctant member once my girl moved in during quarantine. Now he's more my homie than hers (she mad :umad:)

General Tips:

1. Litter box - get a good sized one so they have space. Scoop it twice a day to keep it clean. Get some good quality litter you don't want those smells wafting through the apt. Also consider a litter mat to put under it as it will help cut down on them tracking litter everywhere.
2. Food - Wet food is preferred, just don't do solely dry food. They don't really need carbs like that and it can lead to problems kidney problems and urinary problems (especially for males)
3. Toys - get a variety of cheap toys to play with. If it's a kitten it will want to play a lot and it's hard to know what toy type they'll like so get a few cheap ones. Get a decent sized cat tree with scratching posts. Scratching posts will keep them from clawing up your stuff, and dull their claws so you won't have to clip them as often.
4. Indoor/Outdoor - Indoor all the way. Just less problems in general. If you have them outdoors you'll need to supervise them unless you don't give a damn about your local ecosystem (or your cat). If you want them to go adventuring look into getting them used to a harness.
5. Grooming - They're pretty clean and take care of themselves. If the cat is indoor don't need to wash em. If you do, do it like once a month. Brush em consistently if you have time. Helps keep down the amount of loose fur/lessens the chances of the cat getting hairballs. Clip their nails from time to time.
6. Sleep - feed and play with them for a while before turning down for the night. Helps tire them out which should let you sleep in peace. Get them used to a closed bedroom door early if you want guaranteed uninterrupted sleep.
I second all this

The sleep one is one I learned the hard way. That walking around on my head at the wee hours of the morning got old -fast. Now when that TV goes off at night he knows what time it is:camby:

CATS ARE NOT DOGS. They sleep most of the time and will look at you crazy if you call them over and they don't feel like coming for whatever reason this time. They engage with you when they feel like it. But they are great company because they know how to be quiet and chill and don't require much.


Oct 11, 2013
New York
I second all this

The sleep one is one I learned the hard way. That walking around on my head at the wee hours of the morning got old -fast. Now when that TV goes off at night he knows what time it is:camby:

CATS ARE NOT DOGS. They sleep most of the time and will look at you crazy if you call them over and they don't feel like coming for whatever reason this time. They engage with you when they feel like it. But they are great company because they know how to be quiet and chill and don't require much.
And that’s exactly what I’m looking for :salute:


All Star
May 31, 2022
I second all this

The sleep one is one I learned the hard way. That walking around on my head at the wee hours of the morning got old -fast. Now when that TV goes off at night he knows what time it is:camby:

CATS ARE NOT DOGS. They sleep most of the time and will look at you crazy if you call them over and they don't feel like coming for whatever reason this time. They engage with you when they feel like it. But they are great company because they know how to be quiet and chill and don't require much.

This is key!


cats rule, dogs drool
Mar 11, 2022
get them from your local ASPCA. they'll charge you a fee for each cat. they will neuter/spay them and give them all their shots. plan to spend around 2-300$. make sure you have a litterbox (you dont need two, just get a big one, they will shyt together) and they should give you enough food for a week as well as some toys.

i use pretty kitty litter. it turns colors depending on the base/acidity of their piss. its an easy way to monitor their health.

they will get into EVERYTHING so make sure you clean up before you pick them up

Obreh Winfrey

Truly Brehthtaking
Nov 18, 2016
This should be interesting, cause wtf do you actually DO with a cat aside from give it food water and shelter? :dwillhuh: training my ass
You play with the p*ssy, tf you mean what do you do with it