A neogaf mod was arrested for child porn UPDATE: Owner has sexual assault history and site down.

May 10, 2012
Hard for me to feel much sympathy for the desperate tokens on NeoGaf. They knew they were just being stomached out of white guilt, tolerated by the same white liberals that speak in hushed whispers when they walk down the street or step in a room. All of a sudden, they're shocked that their buddies on GAF aren't the allies they were assumed to be. The blacks on GAF aren't c00ns. I'll give them credit on that end, but they're almost just as dangerous to our community in their naivete.

They're the type of people that run and tell white people whenever there are "issues" in the Black community


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
I'm calling you naive because you refuse to see how people treat us as a whole in the US when shyt is in your face 24/7 it's like you live in this fantasy world.
:mindblown: You can't be this naive to think that we are not treated like shyt by white society. even if we hit a certain pinnacle of success and freedom it doesnt matter how far we get, someone with that society will deem us a ****** and tear us down emotionally mentally, financially to prove it so they can stay on top. Havent you noticed this? do you have your head stuck so far up your ass do you tounge kiss your colon in ignorant bliss???

You seem to have this proverbial pollyanna complex where nothing goes wrong and people are not after your demise. How can YOU NOT see this? it's time to treat them as an monolith and actually agree that they do not have our best interests at heart whether they are overt white surpremacists or passive aggressive closet racists...

I have never seen no one in this denial about the nature of how white people treat us in a long time it's fukking sick...:dahell: Are you this fukking oblivious to current events and news?!?! Do you live in a fukking cave like gollum??? Do you have like any self awareness? ARE YOU BLACK!!!!??? :jbhmm:

No he isnt. He actually looks like one of those white computer techs if my memory recollects correctly
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May 1, 2012
I just remembered a thread I saw on there a little while ago. The GAF liberals were defending a guy walking out of his home butt ass naked after the OP expressed concerns that children in the neighborhood could be exposed to him being undressed and that it made him uncomfortable. According to the GAF liberals the "human body" is nothing to be ashamed of. Male adults should be totally free to expose their naked bodies to strangers, even children. Ok cool.

But now all of a sudden it's "sexual assault" for a guy who is on a road trip with a woman, getting drunk with her in a hotel room (where they are sharing a bed), to get in the shower with her. Doesn't matter if he backed off once his advances were rebuffed, doesn't matter that they had sex after the fact, NOPE - SEXUAL ASSAULT!!!! WAAHHHHHHHH!!!

:laff: man these dudes are something else.
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
Brehs, give it up with winb. He is just a weird sellout type dude. He is either in denial or has done mental gymnastics that he has changed his perception and bout into the time of mentality he is displaying here.
The fact that she has racially questionable tweets is irrelevant to what happened here. It has nothing to do with what Cam said. It is a completely separate matter and the reason people are bringing it up is a distraction tactic.

It's like during the Philando Castile case where the cop shoots him at a BS traffic stop and they say he had weed in his system. What the fukk does that have to do with the cop executing him?

I'm not sure her tweets are a smoking gun enough to fire her anyway.

You continue to find ways to disappoint for the past fukking 15 years winb...

I dont know him IRL but hes been :martin: status since i've been posting on the same forums as the dude. I mean...didnt he admit to not giving a fukk about life to the point of not bathing for days? We dont do that....he is an outlier in all ways,