A neogaf mod was arrested for child porn UPDATE: Owner has sexual assault history and site down.


catching pigeons
May 24, 2014
Gamergate cacs= dudes that want games rid of politics, diversity, and etc

redpillers= dudes that know Gaf is full of shyt

Together they are shytting up the site and I'm not even mad:obama:. shyt was going to implode one way or the other.

:salute: thank you. Didn't know what a redpill was and that was prolly the best explanation of Gamergate I've ever heard.

I'm too old for this shyt :flabbynsick:

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Yeah, by the time the fundraiser thing happened, I wasn't using the site like that. They permabanned me about two years ago and since I only really lurked the fgc threads.

But I always thought it odd how evilore and amorix were the biggest two self righteous trolls on the site but you argued with them it was a death sentence.

The place has been honestly getting worse and worse, with the fukked up shyt over there in the states being a signal boost for these people.

Honestly, the problem neogaf has is that its created a culture of perceptual victims that are constantly offended at everything. Anywhere else Evilore would of got roasted for being a creep and the whole thing would of been laughed off after a few days.

All this mods leaving the site and people begging for permabans etc, just shows how they have trained their users to be outraged first and foremost and signal boost second. Nobody knows exactly what went down, but if dude didn' feel like he had to prepare a rightous statement to placate his legions of offended users, he could of got on top of this alot quicker before it spiralled out of control.
The site I thought was fine to browse for gaming stuff because theirs a lot of information about even the most obscure games.

But the witch hunts and the self righteous behaviour has made the site almost unreadable lately.

For example any topic about that cool looking cyber punk indie game "the last night." Is just dozens of pages of people attacking the creator and bytching at anyone who dares show interest in the game.

As long as your part of the hive mind your fine, but if you dare go against the hive mind group think your attacked for "shyt posting" and being a troll.

That site and it's posters are so far up their own ass it's comical.

It's no surprise the owner is the same way.

Miles Davis

Prince of Darkness
Jul 26, 2015
Gamergate cacs= dudes that want games rid of politics, diversity, and etc

redpillers= dudes that know Gaf is full of shyt

Together they are shytting up the site and I'm not even mad:obama:. shyt was going to implode one way or the other.
Isn’t red pill just as bad as gg and these other racist asshats.
The site I thought was fine to browse for gaming stuff because theirs a lot of information about even the most obscure games.

But the witch hunts and the self righteous behaviour has made the site almost unreadable lately.

For example any topic about that cool looking cyber punk indie game "the last night." Is just dozens of pages of people attacking the creator and bytching at anyone who dates show interest in the game.

As long as your part of the hive mind your fine, but if you dare go against the hive mind group think your attacked for "shyt posting" and being a troll.

That site and it's posters are so far up their own ass it's comical.

It's no surprise the owner is the same way.
Although the game does look great, it’s creator is an a$$hole.

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
The site I thought was fine to browse for gaming stuff because theirs a lot of information about even the most obscure games.

But the witch hints and the self righteous behaviour has made the site almost unreadable lately.

For example any topic about that cool looking cyber punk indie game "the last night." Is just dozens of pages of people attacking the creator and bytching at anyone who dates show interest in the game.

As long as your part of the hive mind your fine, but if you dare go against the hive mind group think your attacked for "shyt posting" and being a troll.

That site and it's posters are so far up their own ass it's comical.

It's no surprise the owner is the same way.

Seriously. Gaf was the shyt before it went to crap. I remember hearing about the website through a Nintendo podcast and Giant Bomb. Once I checked the site out it was amazing:wow:.Gamers talking about the most obscene games and having thought provoking views without the dudebro bullshyt from previous sites. Hell I found out about Odd Future through that website. Once I became a member shyt just slowly went downhill. Folks either were obtuse to how reality works or just looking for a reason to dogpile. Then this whole stigma that they are the "only" website that has a good moderation and gaming news in reality Reddit and Twitter been the go to for news and mods don't need to wipe a poster's ass all the time. Sometimes you got to take a disagreement or folks calling you out on a dumb opinion. Hence why I appreciate this site despite the fukkery every so often. At least I don't have to feel like I'm walking on eggshells just to even post a one sentence answer to a topic:ld: I requested a self ban and have no regrets because I knew it wasn't going to last. And here we are:lupe:


The Manslayer
May 2, 2012
Down again :francis:

That place was getting crazy :heh:

"Super Mario Odyssey |OT| evilore retire bytch" :mjlol:

Like I said, best for the users and mods who left to just start their own site like was done here. Yeah, it sucks to start over and miss out on a bunch of classic threads (I still to this day miss White Widow's thread about TO's parking lot workout) but sometimes it's for the best

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
Isn’t red pill just as bad as gg and these other racist asshats.

Although the game does look great, it’s creator is an a$$hole.

Almost the same thing. I mean some of the dudes on here know Gaf ain't shyt, but those folks take it a TAD serious on the level of :mjpls:thought provoking shyt.


Joke ting blood
Jun 4, 2012
London under protest
The site I thought was fine to browse for gaming stuff because theirs a lot of information about even the most obscure games.

But the witch hunts and the self righteous behaviour has made the site almost unreadable lately.

For example any topic about that cool looking cyber punk indie game "the last night." Is just dozens of pages of people attacking the creator and bytching at anyone who dares show interest in the game.

As long as your part of the hive mind your fine, but if you dare go against the hive mind group think your attacked for "shyt posting" and being a troll.

That site and it's posters are so far up their own ass it's comical.

It's no surprise the owner is the same way.

Yeah its nonsense. It's amazing how quick they would turn on someone they idolised the moment they had an opinion they don't like.

And it is not enough that they don't like that person, you have to hate them as well.

They seem to live in a utopian world where people aren't fukked up, weird and awkward at times. And reality has now come to hit them because while they scatter like cockroaches, they haven't taken a second to realise an undeniable fact:-

Nowhere on the internet is taking them in en-mass and putting up with that bullshyt. Neogaf was a unique place and will never be replicated. So for all their postulating, they would of been much better served dealing with things in a far less emotional and reactionary way.


catching pigeons
May 24, 2014
Seriously. Gaf was the shyt before it went to crap. I remember hearing about the website through a Nintendo podcast and Giant Bomb. Once I checked the site out it was amazing:wow:.Gamers talking about the most obscene games and having thought provoking views without the dudebro bullshyt from previous sites. Hell I found out about Odd Future through that website. Once I became a member shyt just slowly went downhill. Folks either were obtuse to how reality works or just looking for a reason to dogpile. Then this whole stigma that they are the "only" website that has a good moderation and gaming news in reality Reddit and Twitter been the go to for news and mods don't need to wipe a poster's ass all the time. Sometimes you got to take a disagreement or folks calling you out on a dumb opinion. Hence why I appreciate this site despite the fukkery every so often. At least I don't have to feel like I'm walking on eggshells just to even post a one sentence answer to a topic:ld: I requested a self ban and have no regrets because I knew it wasn't going to last. And here we are:lupe:

I'll say that I'll mostly miss how on top of shyt a lot of the posters and OT threads were in off topic.

But even on topics I cared about they would always devolve into dog piling with a creepy cac stench after the first page.

The last Black Panther movie thread was really the last straw for me personally, with all the feigned ignorance and stupid comments about Wakanda.

At least here you can be yourself and we have our natural tendency to keep it moving or shut that dumb shyt down.

Oh and the gaming side was straight elitist trash if you on Xbox :mjcry: ain't no better here neither tho :francis::beli:

Beer Drinker

Blue Moon Cappuccino Oatmeal Stout
May 8, 2012
Wow site been down for hours.

Guess that shyt was true.

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
I'll say that I'll mostly miss how on top of shyt a lot of the posters and OT threads were in off topic.

But even on topics I cared about they would always devolve into dog piling with a creepy cac stench after the first page.

The last Black Panther movie thread was really the last straw for me personally, with all the feigned ignorance and stupid comments about Wakanda.

At least here you can be yourself and we have our natural tendency to keep it moving or shut that dumb shyt down.

Oh and the gaming side was straight elitist trash if you on Xbox :mjcry: ain't no better here neither tho :francis::beli:

I just couldn't take the idealism that the world needs to be this rainbows and sunshine reality, when that will never happen. We can all dream but there's got to be a balance in order for the world to be a float. You have posters on there so shook of the real world that they rely on a damn website to get them through the hardships of breathing. It's fukking pathetic. If shyt goes down in The Coli, I'll manage :yeshrug:, it'll suck but it is what it is. Them dudes take pleasure on being miserable as fukk and whooo boy gaming side:gucci:. I remember shaking my head so hard during one E3 conference with them dudes like they actually believe these companies give a damn about them. Sony and Microsoft laughing at the fanboy shyt all the way to the bank. Sure folks still on that XBOX>>><<<Sony>>><<<PC shyt in here, but at least its all jokes. I doubt brehs going to be running up in cribs over a damn opinion about Sony unless they are blatantly stupid.