Cabbage Patch
The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
I C family is still following the culture of our oppressors; most will never turn back to US. Sexual perversion is not us but you can be convinced it's us by watching their Te-lie-vision, which tells lies to your vision. Good luck for the end and a new beginning is near and most will not be in it by choosing to follow instead of leading.......THYSELF. Religion is not us and it's a trick. NGR is not in a building but within you and outside in nature, which we were created from, Nun, Ptah and Atun....Water, Earth and Sun/Son.......aka, O'Nommo, Kora Na and Unum......aka Ausar/Auset in OUR Ancient Kemet.......aka S-He.....aka Hermaphrodite........aka Her-em-akhet (invaders renamed the Sphinx)-----aka ONE. Everything you have been taught are lies. Follow the yellow brick road, the SUN/SON.
I'm dapping you because it's Sunday and I'd never heard of Her-em-akhet. Got a link?