Roman Brady
Nobody Lives Forever
they can be wrestling, just with very little on. I will never understand how ones mind can be conditioned to accept oily sweaty men in underwear "as good" but women in bra and panties "we hell nah" "that sullys the sanctity of rasslin" "the time for that has gone"I see his point, which from what I can tell is that if you want to see women acting slutty you don't have to go to the store and buy a Playboy or pay $15 for a porn movie from Pay Per View anymore. If I'm watching a wrestling show The main thing I want to see is wrestling, when I want to see smut I'll just Google it and watch it for free.
The bra and panties matches worked for that era but nowadays I don't need to see two chicks in their undies who can't wrestle pretending to do so when I'm watching a wrestling show. Just my perspective.