@Ed MOTHERfukkING G a good comeback is key to get over as a face.
The GOAT at it was Misawa. To this day nobody comes close to pulling off his patented slow burning comebacks. I'll alway be amazed at how good he was at that shyt and the level of difficulty it had considering no one has been able to copy/emulate him succesfully on a consistent basis.
Nowadays AJ is pretty damn great making a good comeback. I LOVE how Yuji Okabayashi does his too, I legit get

when he starts turning the tides on his favor.
Reigns is an interesting case. Wouldn't call him bad at this at all but his forte is setting up his comeback, he's so good at it that the actual comeback isn't as compelling most times. In fact, when he does it best is when trying to do it slow burn style, which is pretty interesting.
IMO, if you cannot sell the punishment and the peril of impending defeat to get the audience to built up the anticipation for the comeback, the offence won't matter. We know the comeback is going to happen, how we're getting there and journey to it, is far more important in the story. The comeback/finish is just the cherry on top, as by that stage we've already decided on who we want to win. Give a reason to invest in wanting to see the pay off at the end, instead of hurry up and get it over with already.
True, but a bad comeback - or not knowing how to do a good one - can ruin all the good work done before in selling and building up a story/drama.