I welcome any opinions but I want to talk about something that came to mind when thinking about a few wrestlers.
The comeback is the most important aspect of a babyface getting over. Getting heat and fighting back is something that since the beginning of wrestling has gotten over. Bruno sanmartino had really good fighting spirit comeback offense. Hogan literally has the GOAT comeback by a huge margin. UNDERTAKER and HBK had great comebacks especially HBK. Rock too. Cena of course (though fans periodically tire of it). Daniel Bryan was phenomenal at it of course. I am not a sting fan, but him and Dusty had absolutely amazing comeback rallies. So did Jerry Lawler.
I would put this honestly ABOVE mic skills to get over with the crowd as a babyface. A heel can talk people into the building if they want to see a bayfsce beat them up or hulk up.
Current roster; FINN BALOR has a great comeback even if it's spamming sling blades and drop kicks. Nakamura does. AJ styles has an outstanding comeback, because he can do it with DIFFERENT moves.
I despise Reign's because it's just a bunch of no selling and spamming Superman punches. If it wasn't for this, he would probably be my favorite wrestler at the moment. I think some guys legitimately don't understand this, like Dolph.
Braun, when he turns, needs a good comeback rally to hype up his powerslam. He could be biggest wrestler alive if so.
Who do you think (worldwide) does this the best today?
The comeback is the most important aspect of a babyface getting over. Getting heat and fighting back is something that since the beginning of wrestling has gotten over. Bruno sanmartino had really good fighting spirit comeback offense. Hogan literally has the GOAT comeback by a huge margin. UNDERTAKER and HBK had great comebacks especially HBK. Rock too. Cena of course (though fans periodically tire of it). Daniel Bryan was phenomenal at it of course. I am not a sting fan, but him and Dusty had absolutely amazing comeback rallies. So did Jerry Lawler.
I would put this honestly ABOVE mic skills to get over with the crowd as a babyface. A heel can talk people into the building if they want to see a bayfsce beat them up or hulk up.
Current roster; FINN BALOR has a great comeback even if it's spamming sling blades and drop kicks. Nakamura does. AJ styles has an outstanding comeback, because he can do it with DIFFERENT moves.
I despise Reign's because it's just a bunch of no selling and spamming Superman punches. If it wasn't for this, he would probably be my favorite wrestler at the moment. I think some guys legitimately don't understand this, like Dolph.
Braun, when he turns, needs a good comeback rally to hype up his powerslam. He could be biggest wrestler alive if so.
Who do you think (worldwide) does this the best today?