A Healthy Suspicion of White People


Oct 11, 2014
You have to be able to recognize the difference between 'White' people and Caucasians. Caucasians are basically in the same boat that us Brown people are, but they think otherwise which makes them something of an enigma. They need to prove themselves trustworthy through their actions.

'White' people, on the other hand, are easy to spot. They hunger for power and look at everyone who isn't like them as beneath them.​



Jun 23, 2012
It would be ridiculous not to be suspicious of them. That doesn't mean we need to be rude or disrespectful in public towards them. Just don't reveal personal information, and don't form bonds with them.
I agree. All stoves will burn you if you're not careful how you use them. White people are stoves to me. I know they can be dangerous but they serve a purpose.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
DillaTUDE said:


In Volume II of The Invention of the White Race, Theodore W. Allen explores the transformation that turned African bond-laborers into slaves and segregated them from their fellow proletarians of European origin. In response to labor unrest, where solidarities were not determined by skin color, the plantation bourgeoisie sought to construct a buffer of poor whites, whose new racial identity would protect them from the enslavement visited upon African Americans. This was the invention of the white race, an act of cruel ingenuity that haunts America to this day.

'Poor Whites' = Caucasians

'White' people = The Ruling Class​


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
and this is the goddamn problem. already got mufukkas in here talking bout 'oh guys, not all of them are evil.' so long as you are trying to pick and choose amongst the so-called good and bad ones, you will be lost. and so long as blacks are connected to the media/economic/spiritual system of america, they will never achieve what is best for them. black people need to be as separate as possible from white people for their own well-being and sanity, period. there is no 'better situation' for black people that includes white people being in the same general vicinity.

You Win Perfect

bow down
Jan 31, 2013
You have to look at it as this... Me personally NOT ALL white people are white supremacist[yeah I said it] on a individual level. In real life I had white people help me out greatly. However, as a collective group they have benefited from white supremacy. Sure a white person may not be racist but they still benefited from white supremacy. I'm not racist against ALL white people but cautious around them until I know the true them.

But even so a white person may claim to not be racist and may be the most friendliest person to black people. However, I always said those type of whites can be like animal lovers. Sure, an animal lover LOVES animals, want to preserve animals and do not want animals to get hurt BUT... those animal lovers wouldn't want to give up their position as the dominate species on this Earth now would they?
if a person is white and NOT actively workin to replace white supremacy with justice then I consider them racist. its one way or the other; no inbetween.


Sep 8, 2017
You have to be able to recognize the difference between 'White' people and Caucasians. Caucasians are basically in the same boat that us Brown people are, but they think otherwise which makes them something of an enigma. They need to prove themselves trustworthy through their actions.

'White' people, on the other hand, are easy to spot. They hunger for power and look at everyone who isn't like them as beneath them.​

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
A sobering thought hit me during this process of my wife's pregnancy and the birth of my child, who depends on other people as much as we do? Additionally, under the premise of "equality", what other racial/ethnic group would be as willing as we are to seek out and patronize black businesses/ professionals?

Some background, my wife's pregnancy came with a myriad of doctors visits/appointments. Each appointment being helped by a white doctor, white nurse, white tech, and maybe a non-white receptionist. During delivery and postpartum, there were a few black nurses and a black doctor that assisted my wife and child, but you still kind of get overwhelmed. Like it doesn't set in on you that you have not seen many black medical professionals, then boom it hits you. The most important thing to you at the time is the health of your wife and child, but it was like a big commercial for "good" white people. Every help call, IV check, and temperature check is like one big commercial. Furthermore, most of the black people you see in the hospital are in service positions. This is intense imagery while you are in a vulnerable position. This is particularly noteworthy when you live in a city with a significant black populace.

Situations like these really make me consider the conundrum that faces blacks in this country and abroad.

1. How do you encourage and maintain a healthy suspicion of white people when every time you turn around here you need a white person to "help" you? You know, your doctor is white, the police officer is white, the emergency first responder is white, the school principal is white, the judge is white, your hiring manager was white etc.

2. How can we start to mobilize to take care of our own needs as a people? I'm not talking far fetched things I mean basic stuff like tutoring shorties, looking out for the elderly, preemptive legal consultation, and health services not just contraceptives.


In moments like the one mentioned above, I can see how confusion sets in for black people.

That confusion being non-suspicion of white people, and the :cape:for white people that we see everyday.

Coli Brehs share your thoughts.

Interesting question, OP. For me, most of the things you named in #1 are exactly what drive my suspicions, not quell them.

Reading the anecdote about your wife brought back up some old feelings. If I'm honest, some of the reasons you named are why I birthed my children at home. It may be sad to say, but I remember my thoughts with my first pregnancy being "I only wanted my child being introduced to this world into black hands", and so there was an older black midwife to greet them.

Now that they're older, homeschooling has been a way for me not to completely shield them from WS but to at least direct the narrative for what they see day to day. The thought of someone who, because of a difference in our cultures, would subconsiously see my child as a problem in a classroom where she is the only black person or would see him/herself as a 'savior' figure to black youth while teaching in a predominantly black school seriously scares the shyt out of me.

I'm telling you, having children is probably what amped up my suspicions more than anything. It makes you see all the things you may have been conditioned to ignore or accept before, and then you think about how those things will affect the mental and emotional health of your own kids.

As far as how can mobilize our own needs as a people, I've moved away from the mindset of trying to save everyone. From my experience thus far, it seems I can only save others when I save myself first. For example, I can't be around for my children if I'm unhealthy, so I have to 'save' myself thru exercising, eating properly, etc. That is just on a basic level. You can apply this logic to any aspect of self-improvement. If we were to all participate as individual parts of the whole collective, perhaps we could achieve this. We could all save ourselves, find our strengths and then come together in wholeness, authentically.

I'm guessing there is someone out there who could definitely give you a practical answer on how we could create these services for our own communities; I'm just here to say that inner work will always need to be done for us to maintain a true sense of health and sanity to carry these things out.
Aug 18, 2015
ATL paid.. Cali blazed
Be careful. They might have thought you are one of the "good" ones. :mjpls: Just because some white folks were nice to you doesn't mean they can't be evil and/or racist. One of the most racist things that has been said to me came from one of the nicest white girls I've ever met who I used to befriend until she crossed the line and I cut her off (after giving her a good old cursin out of course).
What she say?
Nov 18, 2016
What she say?
First she dropped hints with :mjpls: comments like "You're not like other black guys" or "You are unlike any other black guy I met." I said ok this going somewhere that is not good. Then she said I can't see you marrying you know that "type" of girl. I was like :mjpls: "You don't see me marrying that type of girl?" Then she said "I can't see you marrying a ******." :stopitslime: I proceeded to curse her out for the the next 10-15 minutes and cut her off forever. The ridiculous part is she tried to rationalize it to me with "oh come you know what i mean" or "we see how they behave" as if she assumed that I would agree with her. :usure: I was like "ok so your racist ass thinks I'm one of the good ******s.":usure:
She mistook me for a c00n because I am so well spoken and pretty laid back and chill. fukkin CAC:scust:
Last edited:
Aug 18, 2015
ATL paid.. Cali blazed
First she dropped hints with :mjpls: comments like "You're not like other black guys" or "You are unlike any other black guy I met." I said ok this going somewhere that is not good. Then she said I can't see you marrying you know that "type" of girl. I was like :mjpls: "You don't see me marrying that type of girl?" Then she said "I can't see you marrying a ******." :stopitslime: I proceeded to curse her out for the the next 10-15 minutes and cut her off forever. The ridiculous part is she tried to rationalize it to me with "oh come you know what i mean" or "we see how they behave" as if she assumed that I would agree with her. :usure: I was like "ok so your racist ass thinks I'm one of the good ******s.":usure:
She mistook me for a c00n because I am so well spoken and pretty laid back and chill. fukkin CAC:scust:
Gotdamn I wasn't expecting that what go thru these bytches minds to think u switched sides and think you cool with ur people getting disrespected just cuz u want to smut out a becky?
Aug 16, 2017
First she dropped hints with :mjpls: comments like "You're not like other black guys" or "You are unlike any other black guy I met." I said ok this going somewhere that is not good. Then she said I can't see you marrying you know that "type" of girl. I was like :mjpls: "You don't see me marrying that type of girl?" Then she said "I can't see you marrying a ******." :stopitslime: I proceeded to curse her out for the the next 10-15 minutes and cut her off forever. The ridiculous part is she tried to rationalize it to me with "oh come you know what i mean" or "we see how they behave" as if she assumed that I would agree with her. :usure: I was like "ok so your racist ass thinks I'm one of the good ******s.":usure:
She mistook me for a c00n because I am so well spoken and pretty laid back and chill. fukkin CAC:scust:

I had the same thing happen to me with someone I thought was a friend. I had to learn the hard way that them being nice to you individually doesn't mean they're not racist. Once I started getting more black friends, it was almost like the whites were offended that I was spending more time with my own people. It's like they think you're their own personal negro, and they think they're complementing you by saying you're not like the rest. They really try to justify looking down on us. This is why I never tell any of them personal info anymore, and keep it strictly business. Even then, I'm still :comeon:

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
It would be ridiculous not to be suspicious of them. That doesn't mean we need to be rude or disrespectful in public towards them. Just don't reveal personal information, and don't form bonds with them.

They been doing that to use for 500 yrs I think we can return the favor