Yea I do agree...part of the American structure does seem to strategize to placate the that those who are not satisfied just seem like complainers or mentally unstable if you're not satisfied you're bi-polar or if you're bored you're ADD...and when a kid like this gets killed they can easily write it off as oh he got into the wrong element, part of what makes this place cool is the love most of us have for it, but that same love can turn into self serving arrogance causing the denial of a society gone astrayLets be honest millions of white Americans (especially in the south) are poor, uneducated and ignorant which causes them to believe America is as good as it gets and the rest of the world is Hotel Rwanda. This causes them to overlook all the white people who get killed by cops and also all the troops who get killed fighting in wars plus the ones who come home from the middle east physically or mentally handicapped that commit suicide.