That post you quoted was one I posted in the wrong thread...meant to put that in the Lakers game thread.
You should add more context to those advanced stats. Their grooming Dennis to control the offense on the ball like we see most points do now. So it doesn't surprise me that things aren't as efficient as possible YET with him learning how to balance attacking/passing. Drawing from the last game he played, he actually opted to stop the offense to iso Pat Bev the best defender at his decision. Even though he scored on him, you should never purposely stop the offense to iso Pat Bev

. You should probably keep the ball moving. Frank doing his thing but more times than not he's moving that ball as quick as possible rather than HAVING to break shyt down himself. He doesn't have the same room for error with less responsibility.
Defensively he's holding his own but Dirk is in that starting lineup with him...

need I say more?
There's certainly an argument that Dennis has had the harder schedule so far also
