A Black White Woman Gets Kicked Out Of Michigan Mall for Risky Outfit (UPDATE: Apology+Retirement)


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
:comeon: The dude in that pic is Actor Zachary Levi:

do you mufukkas read the shyt you reply to? i said i was joking when i typed that shyt, goddamn, put some glasses on or some shyt before you respond to me


All Star
Dec 22, 2014
She made some cac bytch feel insecure.

Security said they got several complaints that she was dressed slutty and inappropriate for the mall.:mjpls:

Visit her Facebook page and you will get some clues about the complaint

Women do that all the time, complain about another woman to the manager for something like this and get her kicked out. Remember when that black lady got kicked out of a gym for wearing a crop top and yoga pants because she made the women feel bad about themselves.
This is deeper than kicking her out because of the complaints. Its about companies being quick to drop something or enforce a rule based solely on a customer complaint. Even if the complaint is minor or isnt bothering anyone. Unless her cheeks were out, there was nothing wrong with the outfit. Now if the person is showing nipples, vagina lips, booty cracks, yeah then complain. But these companies are so scared to be criticized, the go to the extreme. They are so scared of losing business through word of mouth. They kicked her out for the outfit, but they should ban people who get caught stealing, always cussing out the employees,etc.

I worked at Target someone complained that an employee was 'chewing gum like a horse' so they stopped the cashiers from chewing gum. At that same store, a customer complained to the manager because they handed the employee a shopping list and wanted the employee to go get the items and meet them at the register. The manager informed the customer that the employee had work to do. Target does that for blind/disabled people but this was just a lazy person who didn't want to do it themselves.


All Star
Dec 22, 2014
That haircut aint doing her ANY favors...:mjlol:

My unpopular opinion: Some natural hair styles get hyped up and praised only because they are natural. They could be ugly styles or dont look right but people will say their beautiful just because. This style doesnt look good on her, if her hair was longer with a braid out she would look better. The same thing with fat people, kids, features. Like because certain people, things, trends are hated a lot. People overcompensate by giving it praise. Not saying that if deserves hate but dont give a gold star either. Like when some fat chicks post pics wearing spandex or in a 2 piece, those ugly hair styles with skittle colors. That internet comedian who posted the pic of herself naked with a 6 year old on top of her. And a bunch of women were defending her hard because Corey Holcomb dissed the pic. I feel like people defended her mainly becuase she was critcized not because they agree with what she did.