I have twoNow that's a pet. Can u imagine a black man with a real black panther?

Neighbors scared already
I have twoNow that's a pet. Can u imagine a black man with a real black panther?
picture doesn't look right at all.. and we in 2019.. ain't no camera in 2019 producing that bullshyt of quality.
Lmao fake and photoshopped.
Now that's a pet. Can u imagine a black man with a real black panther?
So insanely good at it that they can basically climb straight up a tree carrying prey that weighs just as much as they do.
Little antelope is nothing
This antelope is bigger than he is and he's taking it straight up no problems
I mean that's a damn zebra he got up there.
And they can do it with speed too
A baby rhino?
And he damn near runs up the tree with it
Clouded Leopards (a completely different, much smaller species) might be even better in their own way though. They can climb upside down on branches and even hang by just their hind legs.
Upside down and with its prey
But the best might be the margay of South America. Can do the upside-down trick AND is the only cat that can climb straight down a tree effortlessly like a freaking squirrel.
That’s the first thing you think of? Making a rare leopard a pet. Let these leobrehs be free like we all are supposed to.
A panther is a black jaguar or cougar, they aren't african animals they are american animals. If you google florida panther a cougar will come up
they are no jaguars in africa only leopards so they call a black leopard black panther, they even changed the black panther comic book to black leopard to not get confused with black panther party but then changed it the back, in the movie Kill Mongers suit is a black jaguar, because he is suppose to represent the so called "african american"
the truth about that comic book charcter and where the jews got the idea of the story is in the name
black panther, is an oxymoron like african american
so called black people are not from the african continent but from the americas, we are the indegious poeple, anderson silva's ancestors did not come form africa they was always in brazil like we were always here
Since panthers are american animals not african, why would they name an african king black panther, and why would they make up a fictional nation instead of making a real one
Wakanda is actually located in America, Its actually Wakonda, South Dakota, they name originates from a native american God Head
so why would a jew name african hero after an american animal and his kingdom after an american god, because he knows like all the jews in hollywood know, we aren't african
just like the white people in russian are not the same or as the white people in england, we are genetically different than people from the african continent you can see in the facial structure