Hoodoo Child
The Urban Legend
Black men get generalized for a few, and nobody bats an eye.The whole point is that you don't generalize black people off the actions of a few street urchins.

"Not all but most"

Black men get generalized for a few, and nobody bats an eye.The whole point is that you don't generalize black people off the actions of a few street urchins.
To be the fair the white elite pretty much got that covered. But i get what u saying.Lowlife White trash aren't deemed to be embarrassing larger white society. I wonder why..
Very well explained from all angles!Before Sexxy Redd, or even the Lil Kim's and Foxy Browns of the world grabbed a microphone...do you think cacs, which is who anybody talking about feeling "embarrased" over, had a favorable image of black women in their minds? Have they not been over-sexualized, demonized, objectified even when singing 'respectable' songs and wearing whatever morality clause you have in your mind deems appropaiate?
I refuse to be embarrased on the behalf of any fukking body and I'm not expecting peckerwoods to ever see me in a way they don't want to see me based on what's playing on the radio. What I will say is...the super relilgous "be a lady" types that think all this is solved if people just cover up and say the right things are a big part of why such polarity has been created between degenerate and 'concious' music. Ignore those aspects of humanity and they go away...
Trying to seperate all of these different aspects of humanity, sexuality, tribalism and even ego from ones divinity...causes this schism. Repression of sexuality and trauma begets you this kind of behavior. The answer isn't to shun, shame or try and swing the pendulum entirely the other way, especially for the sake of respectability from white folks, it's about balance.
So called "concious rappers" cannot strip their music of all sex appeal or tribalism and expect to draw any attention to what they're saying. Nobody is going to listen to your music just because it's postive anymore than people will eat healthy food regardless of taste. Until someone is able to integrate sexuality and tribalism with knowledge and wisdom we will keep serving up artists like these to the "Game" to make money off of.
Because white ppl aren’t defending them
Show me a white version of TheShadeRoom, with professional white women in the comments defending woah Vicky
em·bar·rassed im-ˈber-əst
Synonyms of embarrassed
: feeling or showing a state of self-conscious
You can only be embarrassed by other Black people if you’re worried about what White people think AND you think every Black person reflects who you are, which is internalized racism.
how the fukk am I supposed to be embarrassed by a hoodrat or crackhead
folks need to read the definition again. and if you are feeling embarrassed, there is an underlining and institutionalized mentality you have within you.
You have obviously never seen a Yahoo or YouTube comment section.Because white ppl aren’t defending them
Show me a white version of TheShadeRoom, with professional white women in the comments defending woah Vicky
Love and hip hop and has done more damage to the black woman image than these two ever will though
they are embarrassing themselves.