I find it funny how yall calling those chicks ugly in that thread
yet none of u negros have posted pics?
this is the way it's always been b.
all the nikkas who post here are fresh to death and look like a young Denzel, it's a privilege if a chick happens to be in their presence b
I'm putting these negros to a test.
I want them to prove themselves.
Aye yo Premeditated, heres a thread just for you:
but even if these nikkas is don won pretty ricky status (no homo)
what gives them the right to randomly shyt on women who've done nothing to them? (no simpo)
2pac, for example..... talked alot of shyt about Lil Kim and Faith Evans being ugly but his own mama wasn't exactly easy on the eyes herself b, and his sister is
I think all women are hoes too (Men too) but I ain't got nothing against any of em personally to just be randomly shytting on them for absolutely no reason
It's like nikkas love to examine everyone else except themselves b
I don't give a fukk what any of yall look like male or female.
I find it funny how yall calling those chicks ugly in that thread
yet none of u negros have posted pics? Yall go back and
forth with every female poster on here and accuss them of being a gay
guy but the minute they prove yall wrong, u call them ugly? As if
we got David Beckhams, Trey Songz, and Tyrese Gibsons posting on here.