letti cook
let me find out im out here with a poor man's Lebron hairline cause I been......i mean, i rock the baldy seamlessly but still...my lil bro out here lined and waved up...http://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/search?q=Hairline&restrict_sr=on
Read through these links. DHT causes hair loss(Balding, receding hairline). DHT is produced in the prostate after every ejaculation (Hair Loss drugs where originally prostate minimizing drugs for Prostate Enlargement issues).
Lessen your ejaculation, less DHT, DHT clears, blockage and restrict to the hair follicle is removed and hair starts growing again.
day 1.........................................pt.267...but Im really trying to abstain at least til my bday in 2 weeks. I've been in a funk, indulging in every vice I got and Im exhausted physically and mentally
this for you hairline