Pure uncut fukkery so far.
Colt and Larissa
You can telk Colt hasn't had a real girlfriend and is an incel. He lives with his mom is surrounded by cats and is just a socially awkward weirdo. The only reason he is with Larissa is if in the off chance he can have sex with her. Unfortunately its becoming clear he is extremely cheap as he was bytching about getting a new car which he desperately needs as the wheels were about to fall of his 2004 Volvo. I mean 10k is about a $200-250 a month car note, and you can still get a decent car. On top of that his mom is telling him low key to not even marry this woman.
Its clear Larissa got finessed and Colt tricked her into thinking he had more money than he had. He probably showed pics of himself 'living it up' on the strip not realizing that the Las Vegas area isn't shyt in the day time on top of that she is going to be pissed off because Colt is far from a baller. But even so she is a disrectful, bum bytch and I don't use that word lightly. She will suck the life from a guy like Colt and not in a good way.
Kalani and Asuelu
Kalani is a strong looking broad. Either way she is trying to force Asuelu into being a father but it's clear it's too much too fast. Plus her dad is an uncle Tomasu with a temper problem. Her mom is the only person giving this kid any sort of fair shake. I mean even her brother is c00n.
Asuelu, I think is just a simple minded dude. He is already realizing the CAC hell that is America and would rather be back in Samoa living the simple farm life. With that said he could pick up the American lifestyle really quickly we'll see. He is clearly a man child as he does't know not to pick up babies in moving cars and doesn't believe in condoms

Jon and Fernanda
This is probably one of the more normal couples. But Jon needs to grow up a bit. You can tell that he was running through women being a successful real estate agent with time and money to burn and he needs to slow down and treat Fernanda like a girlfriend at least and not a jumpoff. Especially since he has invested so much financially into her if not emotionally. Also what's up with him not telling his fam that they are engaged.
Fernanda is over emotional but in fairness she is pretty mature in a lot of ways for some who is 19-20. That being said she was being extra as hell at the gym and was trying to attract attention.
Eric and Leida
Eric's life is a mess. He lives in a rathole with his daughter whom he splits the rent. He seems like a nice guy but it's clear that he is hoping Leida makes it in America so she can elevate his living situation. What's worse her dad offered him what was probably a sizable amount of money to move them into a better place.
Leida got hypnotized by a white man. I'm sure Eric lied about his situation. But then again at the age of 30, she is basically an old maid in Indonesian culture and would have to look elsewhere for a marriage. She seems to like him but is she willing to handle what seems to be a severe downgrade in lifestyle at least temporarily to live in America. I thought her younger sister was being a pill but she may ultimately be right and it may make more sense for her to cut bait and stay in Indonesia.
Steven and Olga
I'm a little disappointed in the way they are portraying Steven. They are making it seem like he is just some a$$hole who fukked a poor Russian girl and got her pregnant but he did take his time and money to go back there and be a father to the child. It's clear this dude is learning on the fly and has no examples to draw from. His 'family' is made up of inbred hicks and deadbeats and just by being there he's shown some maturity, of course he has some growing up to do but he's doing something.
Olga is kind of in the same situation where she wasn't ready to raise a child but its happening and I think Olga is scared that she has to raise 2 boys and not get the support she deserves. Time will tell.
Jay and Ashley
Jay looks like he is taking a first class ticket to the sunken place. Clearly Jay is aware very quickly of what it means to be Black in America as he fears that living in Whitebread, Pennsylvania is going to be the death of him. Also the barber is card carrying member of GMB and its clear Jay doesn't really want to marry her but thinks this is his only way.
She treats Jay like a play toy and dismisses his fears because she gets to bask in white privelege. Also she needs to stay away from her jealous single far friend. She wishes she had access to some Jamaican root but instead masturbates furiously in lonely anger watching Black men blast BBW culo on pornhub and wants to spoil the fun for Ashley.
Where do they find these people