Amare's Right Hook
Southeast World Champion
Is Rush just swap meet Bret Hart?

Beat Starks for the FTW titlecan he at least move up alil from nothing but straight jobber to at least low level midcard guys
even Goldberg one or two regal type matches mixed in with the squashes
John Silver is a good wrestler, just a midget.Fun night from AEW, despite the tag title match being a 3 way for no reason whatsoever and Rush taking way too long to put John Silver away.
Hagmayne vs Rush is the kinda matchup I can get behind
He's never gonna be world or even TV champ material, Rush is.John Silver is a good wrestler, just a midget.
Agreed, especially the last part. I definitely can get behind Rushing HangmanFun night from AEW, despite the tag title match being a 3 way for no reason whatsoever and Rush taking way too long to put John Silver away.
Hangmayne vs Rush is the kinda matchup I can get behind
That and AEW GamesDid Uno gain back his pandemic weight?
Them LED boards are probably slippery, so they're not taking their chances busting their asses running downWhy are the wrestlers tip-toeing down the ramp?