You can see an immediate change in Rory's complexion now whenever that nose gets tagged and starts leaking like a faucet; same thing that happened when it got messed up in the Thompson fight where he looked like he just checked out of the fight and all his attention diverted to it instead. Hope he gets a big enough payday to either let it heal up fully or get it surgically fixed for good. Need more guys as technical and willing to test themselves in this sport as he is.
And my god Mousassy STILL salty AF about that Machida fight; dude has been lobbing greasing and PED accusations at him every month since it seems

Still ain't ever forgiving the UFC for letting both these warriors walk cause they weren't to willing to pay them what they're worth. Dana having the nerve to publicly shyt on Woodley every week and pray privately for him to lose every fight when he was stupid enough to let the last man to beat him walk for nothing