Roberto Dinero
Dropped from #TnT
Dope thread. I will read all of it tomorrow so I'm subbing for the moment
Til this day, part of me still wishes that United 93 wasn't taken over by the citizens. Just sohh I could see where they were planning on attacking.
A lot of this sh*t seems too far fetched, on some New World Order steeze.
For now I'll just
I still believe that we were attacked because we wouldn't leave Afghanistan after the Russians had pulled out. I'll elaborate on this more later....
please elaborate who did.....that shyt wasn't taken over by citizens breh, thats a fairy tale
@ fendi mane - good look for that. i learned these grand operations are wrapped in other operations, to contain more than one purpose, to get maximum value out of such a feat, and/or to throw the scent off the primary objective and to keep various players separated.
in this case, the trades were the ultimate heist, easily one of the biggest and boldest in american history. what's remarkable is that, the traders had traded with no concern of getting caught (were they not aware of blue-sheeting and PROMIS, or did they not have to worry about it? these terrorists were smart so i doubt they werent aware the feds monitor stocks in real time and can retrace options placed), and that presuming the traders were also the people whose goal it was to strike the towers, u have to wonder why they would essentially graph out their attacks the weeks before, pointing to which airline stocks they were apparently highly confident would fall.
the wealthy, masterminding Saudi terrorist risked his whole brilliant mission, for cash...a very foolish blunder in his terror g. but luckily for him, the SEC missed the big red flag when the trades were placed (or?), and the feds let the traders off because they had no connection to al qaeda. just how they determined al qaeda could be the only ones not allowed to make inside trades (or who of the traders belonged to al qaeda), I don't know.
and imagine how many peeps in certain intelligence agencies placed a bet when they found out the U.S. wasnt interested in their ''very specific information''.
here this ''commodities trader'' is saying 2 things.
1 - certain traders doubled their money on 9/11.
2 - in times of war, companies profit, ''it happens''.
either he doesnt know much (for a trader), or is trying to mislead people.[