Black people have been through alot in this country. They hate you when you are successful and self-sufficient and they hate you when you are poor and dependent.
they simply hate us for being born Black.
think of the slave trade and ask yourselves, what did Africans do to deserve the vicious treatment they received from Europeans in America, what did we do to deserve being hung from trees, have our babies cut out of our stomachs, our penises cut off and given away to white women as gifts/trophies, being tied to trees and whipped with a lash, being set on fire in front of large white crowds.
what did we do?
They hate us when we're successful, but they'd much rather us be poor so they can actually have a reason to hate us, they can say we're a drain on society, worthless, and in need of help.
it helps white self esteem to see Black people dysfunctional and in need and destroying our communities, because they can feel good about themselves by declaring that our behaviors are exclusive to our race.
this is also why there are more African Americans in prison than anyone else, it "proves" to white people that something must be inherently wrong with Black people because "how can they only be 13% of the population yet populate prisons more than us?"

y'all nikkas better get a clue and start studying their behavior instead of your "I ain't worried bout them" attitudes.
These Black communities destroyed by Whites weren't worried about whites either, they were just trying to live and build their communities in peace, but that DAMN sure didn't stop white people from sweeping through on some
y'all gon learn..