8 reasons why white people fear black people... do you agree with this?


Dec 30, 2013
It's not necessarily something people consciously think about, but never forget that at the beginning we are beings trying to keep our group alive and going into the future. Evolutionnary thought leads us to these techniques of preservation : that's why even the most open-minded people will often still marry/conceive life within their own group. I would argue that racism and xenophobia is also a "defense mechanism" againt "the other", remember that in olden days that "other" might invade you and wipe out your people. Black people (and, in general, non-White people) far outnumber White people, and that has ALWAYS been the case, and will always be. Here's the thing : when you mix White and another colour, the child will most likely more look like "the other" than White : so interacial procreation looks like the dwindling of the "white" group.

Culturally, it is also important to understand that White people are the ones who have the most lost their own "identity", meaning traditions, local dialects, foods, etc...all in the name of modernity. That's why they hardly ever are neutral towards people who still have those traditions : either they admire them and want to copy them (the whole white girl who wants dreads thing for example, or the whole copying of Black culture in general) or want to destroy it because it's "deviant", "retarded", etc. in French "traditionnel" can have a positive sense, but more often than not I would argue that it has a negative connotation, as in "backwards". That's why Colonizators were always destroying whatever trace of local civilisations they could. I know many white people who feel culturally lost because they don't really have any traditions any more, and are in awe of those of who. That's why you see rich white kids copying the talk and style of Arab and African immigrants in Europe. Me thinks that they are jealous of them. I would argue it also explains the rise of regionalist and separatist parties in Europe who want to revive their "true" essence and who more often than not have a strong cultural aspect. Remember that all the various empires in Europe led to uniformization, which many people hate (one of the reasons some people are against the EU). Hell French only became the official language of France because the central power of Paris violently imposed it upon various regions (hence distrust to this day from Bretagne, for example).

When talking about white racism, one must also always keep in mind the particular situation of Europe : it's a very small "continent", which means that as opposed to other ones the various ethnic groups had less space to call "theirs" and would constantly come in contact, and competition, with each other, whereas for example in Africa different groups could trade with each other, and each would go back to their place knowing there's enough space for everyone. Yes you would have wars, but I don't believe to the same extent as in Europe. In Europe there's never been enough space for everyone, hence centuries and centuries of wars and, yes, genocide. All these wars and mass killings have led to deep distrust between Europeans, something that remains until this day to an extent (see the constant french-bashing by the English, or the Anti-German sentiment that was present way before WW1). That distrust has then led to racism and xenophobia : Italians, Portuguese or Spaniards were the ones facing mad xenophobia until like the late 60s. A lot of Dutch-speaking Belgians HATE Dutch people. Everyone kind of hates French people (people often forget to consider Napoleon's wars and the impact it has on lingering anti-French sentiments). So you already had all this hate/racism/xenophobia IN Europe.

Now add to that the fact that Europe is right next to Africa and the Arab world, both bigger and more numerous: it was in contact with "other" people quite easily, which is good but can be considered a threat by some. And add to that the fact that Europeans, having such a small continent with so few natural ressources had to find a way to expand : they were basically pushed towards the sea (no surprise that one of the smallest countries, the Netherlands, became one of the biggest maritime forces ever. Hell th ecountry itself was taken from the sea), and thus almost forced to go and discover other continents : more "others", more racism. It's not that Arab, African, Chinese empires didn't have the faculty to develop sea dominance, but they didn't have the need to do so. So they met less "others", which led to less "grounds" for racism (racism is not only ignorance, but also finding ways to "justify" killing others).

That's why I think the whole "recessive gene" thing makes thing. These things pass from one generation to the other, without people being conscious about it. Sorry for the long post which might be all over the place but I hardly slept this night :mjcry:

This shyt is so. fukking. interesting.


History always repeats itself. If we want to get out of this lump we're in, our best bet is to study history and see how others gained power.


Dec 30, 2013
you must be out of your god damn mind to ask me a question like that

i'll put it this way: before i came to thecoli, i actually had a positive opinion about black people. I was curious about what y'all thought, and why. I was optimistic, and wanted to understand black problems. I wanted to discuss things and take y'all's concerns seriously, as one human being to another.

But now, after reading what y'all really think about whites, i take it all back. I see now that your views have diverged so far from mine that reconciliation is foolish on my part. Y'all genuinely think that anything you do towards whites is fair game, like y'all gonna talk shyt, and rob us, and kill us "cause slavery." i wouldn't piss in you motherfukkers' faces if it was on fire. I hate you motherfukkers more than Al-Qaeda now, and plan to vote for racist Republicans until the day I die, to keep you racist, hateful fukks from gaining any control over me. I will be DAMNED if I let any of y'all oppress me.

Does that explain "my disagreement" well enough for you?



Dec 30, 2013
The Haitian revolution actually put fear into the heart of Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson was afraid of revolution huh? :russ:

fukking hilarious, especially considering how pro-revolution he was in his own country.

"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
you must be out of your god damn mind to ask me a question like that

i'll put it this way: before i came to thecoli, i actually had a positive opinion about black people. I was curious about what y'all thought, and why. I was optimistic, and wanted to understand black problems. I wanted to discuss things and take y'all's concerns seriously, as one human being to another.

But now, after reading what y'all really think about whites, i take it all back. I see now that your views have diverged so far from mine that reconciliation is foolish on my part. Y'all genuinely think that anything you do towards whites is fair game, like y'all gonna talk shyt, and rob us, and kill us "cause slavery." i wouldn't piss in you motherfukkers' faces if it was on fire. I hate you motherfukkers more than Al-Qaeda now, and plan to vote for racist Republicans until the day I die, to keep you racist, hateful fukks from gaining any control over me. I will be DAMNED if I let any of y'all oppress me.

Does that explain "my disagreement" well enough for you?

:mjlol::mjlol: :mjlol:
ahhh shyt this post is hilarious. More white tears to add the collection :blessed:. The make em mad tour continues. Just imagine if you had to deal with real racisim in real life on a daily basis and not just online bullying. you would fold like an origami swan.:umad:
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Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
So are you willing to give up your benefits due to white supremacy agendas?
Yes. I shouldn't be hired over a better candidate because of my skin color.

I shouldn't be pulled over less cause of my skin color.

I shouldn't get an apartment over someone else because of my skin color.

I shouldn't get a slap on the wrist for getting in trouble with the law because of my skin color.

I shouldn't get a loan with worse credit because of my skin color.

I shouldn't get let go driving drunk because I'm a good ole american boy.

Etc. Etc. There are greater examples of injustice than what I wrote but you get the point.

Every human being should have equal standing.

White people have had it easy for a long time. No one wants life to be more difficult for them, but I do want life to be fair.

I'd say knocking white peoples comfort level down a notch is perfectly fair :manny:

I mean it is what it is. I don't want to suffer for the decisions other people made, but I'd be willing to sacrifice a lot in the name of fairness. But let's be real, their are more powerful white people than me, I can't just up and remove myself from being a white person.

My son will be raised to appreciate all life.


Jul 1, 2012
Yes. I shouldn't be hired over a better candidate because of my skin color.

I shouldn't be pulled over less cause of my skin color.

I shouldn't get an apartment over someone else because of my skin color.

I shouldn't get a slap on the wrist for getting in trouble with the law because of my skin color.

I shouldn't get a loan with worse credit because of my skin color.

I shouldn't get let go driving drunk because I'm a good ole american boy.

Etc. Etc. There are greater examples of injustice than what I wrote but you get the point.

Every human being should have equal standing.

White people have had it easy for a long time. No one wants life to be more difficult for them, but I do want life to be fair.

I'd say knocking white peoples comfort level down a notch is perfectly fair :manny:

I mean it is what it is. I don't want to suffer for the decisions other people made, but I'd be willing to sacrifice a lot in the name of fairness. But let's be real, their are more powerful white people than me, I can't just up and remove myself from being a white person.

My son will be raised to appreciate all life.

At least you admit what is going on. Are you willing to admit that white people are the devil?


Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
At least you admit what is going on. Are you willing to admit that white people are the devil?
A lot of them are :manny:

I don't make broad generalizations about any group though. There are good people everywhere too.

But given how this country (and most of the world) works, I can't really blame you for feeling that way.

But I don't think I'm the devil, no.


Leader of #CACset
Jan 10, 2015
You are disturbingly naive
Hardly- I'm just shaped by my experiences, as is everyone else. For example, if a vast majority of white people you came into contact with treated you poorly due to your skin color, that would be a valid reason to dislike them all as a race and claim that they are racist in general. However, my experience is that a majority of white people I know that are younger are not racist at all.


Leader of #CACset
Jan 10, 2015
So just because we elected a black president, systematic racism somehow went down? :what:
It's certainly a sign that there isn't as much SYSTEMIC racism. In the SYSTEM of the Democratic Party machinery he made it to the top and through the SYSTEM of American elections he is now the most powerful man in the world. That's not to say that systemic racism does not exist anymore (it certainly does), but it is a sign that the nation's attitudes in general are changing on the subject of race.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Hardly- I'm just shaped by my experiences, as is everyone else. For example, if a vast majority of white people you came into contact with treated you poorly due to your skin color, that would be a valid reason to dislike them all as a race and claim that they are racist in general. However, my experience is that a majority of white people I know that are younger are not racist at all.
I know a white people that don't appear to be racist either. But that doesn't mean that there are still millions of racist ass white people who absolutely hate black people for no other reason than their skin color.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
It's certainly a sign that there isn't as much SYSTEMIC racism. In the SYSTEM of the Democratic Party machinery he made it to the top and through the SYSTEM of American elections he is now the most powerful man in the world. That's not to say that systemic racism does not exist anymore (it certainly does), but it is a sign that the nation's attitudes in general are changing on the subject of race.

Ok please explain why black people are currently arrested, charged and convicted at 4-5 times higher than white people are for the exact same crimes? Why are black people sentenced longer than their white counterparts for the exact same crimes?

Why are unarmed black people being "legally" killed by law enforcement and George Zimmerman likes without punishment from the judicial system?

Just last week we all witnessed white college students chanting a racist song about hanging black people from trees, but you really think that "the nations attitudes are changing" :dead:
Feb 3, 2015
Thomas Jefferson was afraid of revolution huh? :russ:

fukking hilarious, especially considering how pro-revolution he was in his own country.

"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."


What a fukking square.


Leader of #CACset
Jan 10, 2015
Ok please explain why black people are currently arrested, charged and convicted at 4-5 times higher than white people are for the exact same crimes? Why are black people sentenced longer than their white counterparts for the exact same crimes?

Why are unarmed black people being "legally" killed by law enforcement and George Zimmerman likes without punishment from the judicial system?

Just last week we all witnessed white college students chanting a racist song about hanging black people from trees, but you really think that "the nations attitudes are changing" :dead:
There is definitely systemic racism in the justice system and drug law enforcement. I'm not arguing that at all.

Unarmed people of all races are being killed by cops. Police power in the United States is beyond ridiculous. But media oversaturation and salacious reporting is the reason that these stories of white cops killing black men is so blown up in this country. It's what sells and gains views, for better or for worse. It's hardly an indication of increased overall racism. Think of it like homicides in Chicago- people are calling it Chiraq, a war zone, etc. but in reality murders have steadily gone down since the mid-90's. The reason why? Media coverage. From major news networks to little blog sites, every situation that can sell will explode in the public sphere, along with mountains of misinformation and judgement on both sides.

The whole chant situation was despicable, but really, the reason it was such a big deal, again, was the viral nature of it and the news media jumping on it like hyenas. It's not an indication of the amount of racism in the country.


Dec 30, 2013
There is definitely systemic racism in the justice system and drug law enforcement. I'm not arguing that at all.

Unarmed people of all races are being killed by cops. Police power in the United States is beyond ridiculous. But media oversaturation and salacious reporting is the reason that these stories of white cops killing

Let me finish the argument or you.


"Quit making this a race issue, this is a police abuse issue."

"they're just using this to divide the races. Quit falling for it man"

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Systemic racism is still around unfortunately. But as times change I think it will fade. It already has started to a bit. For example, as recently as 2004 no one really thought there could be a black president. There were too many systemic barriers around- most notably, financial backing and party machine politics. But in 2008 Lo and behold..

You've just destroyed your own stance with this response.

Due to there being systemic racism, young whites haven't the need to be overtly racist. Your grandfather's put in all the dirty work.

Only thing you have to do is look the other way at the systemic injustices and advantages you have.

If you insist young whites are less racist, where are the groups of young whites fighting to create a truly even playing field? Where are the ones fighting to give blacks the money they're owed from slavery labor in the former of reparations?