aka #DiamondNightmare
What I'm getting at is the mid carders lower carders, you can't sit here and tell me the diva matches are consistently better than the knockout matches or that a Sin Cara vs and 3MB match or Ryback Henry match is better than say some of the TNA mid card matches
Also, a bunch of the names you named (DB, Cesaro, Punk) are elite talent so they will have great matches.
The Shield?? Matches? Come on bruh, Cena his are entertaining from an entertainment standpoint like watching a Rocky movie... The other guys.... Meh
I will be impressed if one of the Uso's has 4 star match with Titus Oniel or something
TNA mid/low card matches....like who the fukk cares!!

Those are solid matches that no one talks about. That's it that's all!!

They don't stand the test of time. We are talking about MOTYC matches which TNA does not have whereas the 'E clearly has.