If its anybody other than Punk in Chicago, Both Mox and the other guy would get booed. No matter if its MJF or whoeverI feel like it's gotta be a CM Punk rematch. I don't think they'd bring out MJF for the belt on this short notice
If its anybody other than Punk in Chicago, Both Mox and the other guy would get booed. No matter if its MJF or whoeverI feel like it's gotta be a CM Punk rematch. I don't think they'd bring out MJF for the belt on this short notice
Also hide his razor blade. He gains power and energy from bladingBeating Moxley would be easy. Just keep a bar of Irish Spring in your tights, and touch him with it when the ref is distracted.
As soon as the soap touches him, Monkey Pox Mox is DONE!
YesIsn't Ace Steel Punk's boy?
Heard he got into it with Lou Thesz back in the day too
Maybe none of them think they can get enough stars in a Mox match from Unca Dave