EC3 is miscast
Nothing about him makes you wanna rally behind him. That’s good tho if you’re him
Hopefully they realize that after tonight. That dude is a heel
His smug character is strong enough to get past his strange at times in ring psychology
Also, I never got how in the fukk EC3 is supposed to be any type of babyface given that his theme song basically tells the audience "I exploit you and laugh about it" as loudly as possible. It's asinine at best.
He had a decent german suplex in this match. That's it.
Psychology actually wasn't bad and Velveteen Dream did fairly well, especially at the end (though he had a LOT of trouble filling time during the heat segment, which is an experience issue as much as it is a talent issue). EC3's just a bad wrestler now, apparently (slow, immobile, has fake-looking strikes). And is an especially bad babyface.