Norrin Radd
To me, my board!
They overusing the DBZ fusion dance thing
"SAY IT TO MY FAAAAACCCCEEEEE"He had a new theme song done by the ones who did miz's, Dolph Ziggler & Alex a year ago...dunno what happened with it though
Everytime I hear "Miztourage"for some reason I think of this crew
Seasons 1 - 6 were Seasons 7 - 8 were
The Schoolyard Bullies should legit be their tag team name if this was the 80s they both would have been a part of the Heenan FamilyCesaro put Deans shirt over his head like a schoolyard bully
I need to binge on the series again, it's been a whileMovie kind of redeemed it. Only mistake was releasing it theatrically instead of just on HBO.
Unfortunately we're past the Redesign, Rebuild, Reclaim phase but here it is