A jab don’t mean shyt if
1. Your jab doesn’t do a thing to deter your opponent (it didn’t )
2. Your opponent has zero respect for whatever you’re trying to set up with the jab (Inoue didn’t respect his power at all)
There was no point in continuing to jab when Inoue would immediately counter with some shyt that would send his soul flying if it landed ..If your jab isn’t going to deter him or set anything up that’s going to deter him from a lack of power you do what Fulton did …Try to force it because you have no other shot .
He didn’t run ,he literally stayed in front of Inoue in the midrange getting his stomach jabbed the hell up and his nose bloodied. If you want to say he didn’t engage enough in the midrange ..cool ..and when that became apparent he attempted to get inside,had his best moments by far and got battered and knocked out for it . Fighting scared would’ve been completely disengaging from the fight and go into survival mode which he did not do
I just felt he could have tried something different, his lack of counter punching really hurt him. He could have tried to hold more smother Inoue work. But instead he just focused on defense. Which is cool but that ain’t winning you any rounds.
And dnt act like he got stopped trying to go out on his shield

he got hit with the same body jab he been getting hit with all night but later in the fight it had more affect. That what set him up for getting KO’d.
I see y’all not trying to knock Fulton, but the mental gymnastics is crazy saying Fulton did all he did to win is not it. He still got KO’d by being defensive so he might as well should have tried to go thru the trenches.