yup.I'm on and off with wrestling since last Summerslam but wasn't the biggest complaints about Roman Reigns about him being forced and them not building him up?
Zero character development? Dude probably has the world record for most backstory vignettes I've ever seen.. fuccisyoutalkinabout
Zero character development? Dude probably has the world record for most backstory vignettes I've ever seen.. fuccisyoutalkinabout
I swear that Neckbeard cosplay KO fan actually looked like KO.
I can't believe this Raw was THAT good; I'm shocked.
On some real shyt, I hope they try to build Roman back up the right way tho
I know the routine brehWe'll see how long it lasts.. they normally fall off after going hard when they start these new "eras"
Some will say that but I'ma go against the grain and say I believe its a huge misconception..
the biggest problem is that WWE chose Reigns over DB which lead to a LOT of unwarranted hate because before that, he was a fan favorite being built up starting with beating Orton
Then once the crowd turned against him cuz of WWE's decision making on him over Bryan, they started making him have dumb promos thinking it'd get him back over but it just fukked him up even more with the crowd and a lot have been anti-Roman ever since to the point where booing him is the cool thing to do