Bob Dole is 93?
Bob Dole is still alive?
Why are Bob Dole's pants so damn high?
Bob Dole is 93?
Bob Dole is still alive?
Why are Bob Dole's pants so damn high?
The rule is for every birthday after 65 you gotta raise your pants one inchBob Dole is 93?
Bob Dole is still alive?
Why are Bob Dole's pants so damn high?
WWE revisionist history knows no says the titles New Day holds are from 2002-present.
Pretty sure Enzo and Ass will take the titles at Summerslam, if they ain't facing the Club.If New Day don't lose tonight - who are the other tag teams they can face?
:scrai::scrai::scrai:@September I'm gonna need that Selena Gomez crying smiley because that was literally Sasha's face watching the final Horsewoman finally make it to the main roster.