The Coli's Drop Bear
This fool just say cesaro is more impressive than the Fibonacci sequence 

Dixie on the phone now trying to make draft picks as we speakSD roster basically guarantees a AJ title reign.
I don't believe it. This is so insanely predictable for the most part that this just doesn't make sense tbh. They're throwing the people they dgaf on SD and have Randy, AJ and Orton there to act like they tried.Bryan Alvarez@bryanalvarez
Just hours left before the #WWEDraft and they're still constantly changing who goes where.
10:56 AM - 19 Jul 2016
102 retweets121 likes
All these Raptors referencesBaron Corbin is the Bruno Caboclo of the WWE
American Alpha is who they needSD desperately needs Bayley and Cesaro. A decent tag team as well
Orion can barely carry afor less than 2 min so how do we expect him to carry a show for 2 hours?
Maybe he's Too Swiss :cokeboycism:How is Cesaro still on the Board?![]()