pico pal q lee
Balor is also tiny and doesn't look legit at all facing bigger guys. At no point do you think AJ can't hang with dudes like Roman and Cena, but Balor doesn't even look legit against some of the slightly bigger NXT guys. That's definitely going to hurt him. He's like...Bryan size, but without the genuinely likable underdog aspect, the actual skills, or the personality.
Going back to the Ambrose comparison, Dean isn't menacing at all either, and his move set is a complete joke (just like his character) but dude is still over because for some reason his gimmick and mannerism makes people like him. That's all Balor really needs, and with all his limitations I think he MIGHT accomplish it if his demon BS connects with the fans. But yeah, if he doesn't succeed rather early he'll get thrown to the bushes and be Neville 2.0.